
  • Much Less A Lady

    Sometimes, you make a choice based on a whim, and sometimes, it leads to the rest of your life. These two have trouble staying away from each other. A parallel universe, character-driven J&B with the focus on them almost to the exclusion of other characters small or large (politics/houses/other families in GoT are not in play here.)

  • Where The Journey Begins

    Arya wants to find somewhere to call home again, but she may need someone's help, and certainly she will need time. Set at the end of S1/beginning of S2, on the road north from King's Landing, after the death of her father. Canon in spirit, with some tweaking of details later on (a notable one being events at Winterfell).

  • No Man's Brienne

    In the beginning, she despised him for being dishonorable; in the beginning, he mocked her for being humorless. They have a lot to learn from each other before they make it to King's Landing. Canon setting for late Season 2/early Season 3. Some language and non-explicit stuff.