
  • Guide To Beach City's Mysteries

    There are many mysteries held within the city. Magic constantly roams the place and many supernatural things need some explaining. Presented here, we have a guide to each explanation with drabbles. Find out more about the Crystal Gems and Beach City!

  • Raising Steven

    "Life is beautiful, Steven. You have a lot to learn before you can use your gem. Everyday a new lesson is learned which becomes a new step toward our destiny. It just takes time, Steven. It just takes time..." Garnet quietly said as she held the bruised boy closer to her. She loved Steven and she enjoyed seeing him grow up. Art cover credit/permission given by Gracekraft on Tumblr!

  • Love Bites!

    It's Valentine's Day in Beach City and what a perfect day than to stay by your lover's side. Especially for the Crystal Gems as they do their best of capturing the Valentine spirit...even if that means bringing trouble and work for them.

  • 100 Ways To Mess With Pearl

    In this collection of drabbles, I present to you the many ways to make Pearl mad. Come along with Amethyst and Steven in this series to give you many laughs. (Art cover made by stevenquartz on Tumblr!)

  • Gaming Brawl

    After a very long and stressful mission, Steven offers the gems to spend time with him playing a video game. However, he might regret making that decision. (One-Shot)

  • Armageddon

    A dark time fell upon earth when the three older gems became cloned. Their clones destroyed the world and are twice as powerful as the Crystal Gems. They seek revenge on humanity for an unfamiliar reason, but they connect with the gem's dark past. Will our magical heroes defeat the "Dark Gems" or fail us all? (Rated T for violence, blood, and language)

  • Another Day In Beach City

    In the small dull city of Beach City, not much is known except Funland and it's boardwalk. The air would smell of salty sand and fish. Everyday would seem the same, but the local residents would do their best to make each day different from one another. They trust each other and stand by each others' side. Even in a small city, what do they have to lose?