
  • When you're a Quadruplet

    What if Harry wasn't an only child? If he had brothers, a sister and maybe more than one dad? Creature fic, Slash, Het, James Potter has a male harem. SS/LM/SB/RL/JP, RB/LE, Past and future MPreg, manipulative!Dumbledore, grey!independent!Harry.

  • A conversation by the lake

    Just a short Blaise x Harry fic. Yes that means it's slash. If you don't like it, then don't read it. AU set in fourth year.

  • Child of the Fae

    On Harry's sixteenth birthday, he comes into his creature inheritance. Will be slash pairings. Manipulative!Dumbledore, Creature!Harry, Rated T just in case.

  • Truth or Dare

    What happens when certain pairs of twins are locked in one room? Slash, Yaoi, Twincest. One shot. Multi-crossover. HP, PJO, Hetalia and OHSHC.