
team effort

  • there will come soft rains

    hand in hand, heart in heart, they are nothing if not eternally bitter. —elsa/jack;dark

  • A Bitter Pill

    we just give, and they take. —drug addiction

  • garden of nothing

    Only darkness can grow here. —5 histories of the Strange House and its residents.

  • bid the spring farewell

    the irony of it all is admirable. —Eren/Mikasa

  • where the road ends

    they're both nomads, but even wanderers need a place to call home. —marley/buck

  • lux

    she wakes up pressed against a boy. —twelve/lisa

  • heaven straining at the seams

    this would be a sin, anywhere but here. -jupitersaturn

  • cannibals with benefits

    or, the cons of your best friend finding out that you and your coworkers are flesh-eating monsters. /some innuendo

  • all the lights in the sky yet unseen

    you don't get to choose whether or not you live or die. but you do have a say in how you're going out of this world. choose well.

  • but for the mountain drummers and the ocean far and wide

    o child. -(beasts of the southern wild) hushpuppy after the flood / for yew

  • hippocratic oath

    Suzanne is a good nurse. /Triggers for rape.

  • everything floats

    Sayaki Miki on being a Witch. {character study}

  • tilt

    anything can happen on an ordinary night.

  • wherever we may find ourselves

    it's such a shame, remus notes to nobody in particular.

  • The Crow God and His Apostles

    Satisfaction came from a job well done. There was never a need to understand, and they never pretended to. {A tale of Red narrated by both his Pokémon and several significant others. For the Chain Reaction Challenge.}

  • kill the day

    look for me when you're inside. look at me before you go. —75th hunger games, multiple pairings [for caesar's palace shipping week]

  • there's more to life than this

    this party's getting boring. —johanna/katniss; for amanda

  • and wilderness is paradise now

    times pass. —red

  • quiver

    not like this. never like this. —warning for rape

  • a taste of what is to come

    hannibal runs. bedelia follows. —hannibal/dr. du maurier