
  • Weekly Voldie

    OotP!AU: Harry needs a hobby. Luna offers to show him the ropes in investigative journalism. Now all he needs is a topic he knows well and has a lot to say about... — In other words: Luna Lovegood is Luna Lovegood, Harry is done with the Wizarding World, Ron is along for the ride and Hermione really doesn't have time to stop Harry from becoming a Dark Lord. Crack with a little plot

  • Better be Gryffindor

    An attempt to avoid some clichés and enforce others. Assuming that Gryffindors are more than closed-minded fools, Slytherins aren't the only ones playing politics and the title 'Golden Trio' means more than most think. Hidden in plain sight, in the one house they least expected, Harry Potter becomes what he was always meant to be. Hogwarts beware, the Dark Lord's equal is rising!

  • Faint the hollow murmur rings

    It is decided by one moody Valar that somebody has to keep a certain ranger with an unhealthy hang for suicide missions alive until he fulfills the destiny he's constantly running from. Unfortunately Carlie drew the short stick.

  • Losing Wednesday

    Part Two of the 'Hating Monday' series: When a teacher calls Allison's name in class her absence is accidentally discovered. But it doesn't matter because when she attended school nobody cared and now that she isn't there nobody misses her either. Brian certainly isn't supposed to notice anything.

  • How our choices define us

    AU: Adrian Pucey is a marked Death Eater. Harry Potter is the Boy-Who-Lived. In the the shadow of an escalating war, two unlikely adversaries are drawn together by a volatile connection neither of them understands. But obsession, like love, is a force not to be taken lightly. And neither is Harry Potter. Slash. Genius!Trio. Sane!Voldemort. Strong!Order.

  • The Way to Greatness

    "I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep, I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion."— A rag tag group of students with handy muggle technologies, lots of science fiction inspiration, the dark lord's equal as their leader and no magical education to speak of? Civilizations have been destroyed by less.

  • Dead End Street

    Because that was the thing with Damon Salvatore: It was never love or hate, it was always both. Damon/Caroline

  • Killing Tuesday

    Part One of the 'Hating Monday' series: Monday came and went but nothing happened. They all thought she'd handle it. After all she managed just fine on her own before that fateful detention, right? Well, she didn't. And nobody noticed.