
  • Samhain

    "Did you know," Sirius began, "that on Samhain the line between the living and the dead is the most blurred?"

  • New York City, Center of the Universe

    Mark pretends to create and observe when he really detaches. Colin may do the same.

  • In Colorless Wind and Invisible Humors

    An unwritten rule of Dead Poets Society is iwe don't talk about it because it never happened/i. [Todd/Knox] Wee snippets of poetry borrowed from e.e. cummings with love.

  • Dealing With It

    First kiss ficlet for Banky/Hooper. Mature for language.

  • Drowning

    AU version of the Graveyard scene in Dark Reunion (Book 4). (Damon/Bonnie)

  • Flying

    "Albatrosses have got to have their captains." (Mal/River)

  • Grades and Marksmanship

    Dad isn't going to like this, Sammy.

  • Yours

    The war does things to people. Changes them. Makes them forget. Harry hopes Severus will one day remember. (Harry/Snape)

  • Vim and Vigor

    The Joker and Batman battle, but J finds himself not quite a loser and not quite a winner... (Hints of Lost's The Island show up, although fic begins as a canon moment.)

  • Thriving

    Not sure if he should or not, Don goes to visit Sloan in the unlikeliest of places.

  • Getting Married

    Ron and Hermione are getting married. Thank Merlin he had the good sense to make Harry his Best Man.

  • Too Tired to Shout

    He's too tired to shout, too tired to work up a scathing look to shoot at Mac from the news desk, too tired to figure out exactly where he had gone wrong today. (Will/Mac)

  • Barn Doors and Junk Galore

    Mattress salesman Rodney has a very trying customer. (McShep)

  • Promises and Names

    Some promises are better than others. (Harry/Draco)

  • Nursery Rhymes

    She has fight in her somewhere, but she doesn't understand it.

  • Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others

    It isn't easy being surrounded by vipers, not even when you're a Slytherin. This is a coming-of-age story focussing on Millicent Bulstrode and her struggles with her peers, her sexuality, her self-image, and her own sense of self-worth. (Character study of Millicent, not pairing-centric AT ALL. More of a GEN piece than anything, really.)

  • Fanning the Flames

    Sometimes Hell is what you make of it. (Draco/Hermione)

  • Mad Slytherins and Blood Traitors

    Ron hadn't exactly owned up to everything that happened to him after he'd bailed out on the Horcrux Hunt….

  • I Got Life, Brother

    Seventh Year at Hogwarts was not what Seamus expected: Snape in charge, Death Eaters teaching classes, and Dean missing. How can he find his way when he's feeling so very lost?

  • Carve My Name in Stone

    "Yes, I can. As long as he's behind that veil, I can feel him. I can hear him." Remus laughed, a loud, boisterous noise that was so foreign to Harry's ears. Head turning, Harry stared up at Remus inquisitively, his heart rabbiting madly in his chest. "What . . .what does he say?"" "He says," Remus responded matter-of-factly, "that you and I have to be there for one another...