
  • Ask the Big Hero 6!

    This is a questionaire page where you can ask the bh6 team any question you want! Alive!Tadashi

  • Flames of the Hood

    A mysterious fire starts, and burns down the Lucky Cat Cafe and the Hamada household, killing Aunt Cass and leaving Hiro and Tadashi homeless. Not wanting to be sent to a boys' home, they choose the alleyway. But lurking gangsters will take any chance they can to kill Hiro and Tadashi. It's life on the run for the Hamada brothers. Until one gang decides to take them in...GangsterAU

  • Criminal

    Hiro meets an unexpected companion when he travels to the alley for a bot fight. Though the girl he meets is no regular person, for she is the daughter of a criminal. This girl gets tied up into Hiro and Tadashi's problems, leading the three to a life of dangerous encounters.

  • The Wonderful Parodies of BH6

    These are just your average songs turned into parodies by each member of the big hero 6 team. Each song is changed to fit their character. Plz review if you have more ideas! Rating may change.