
  • The Guardian Angel

    What if the one who prayed to God was the only one God couldn't save? Crossposted from AO3

  • The Book of Bravo - 04 - Flying High in Somalia

    A routine reconnaissance mission in Somalia takes an unexpected turn when Brock finds himself playing a high stakes game of cat and mouse. Add a drop of Brock and Clay shenanigans, a sprinkle of a car race, and an attempt to recreate the Dukes of Hazzard jump, and you have a lovely cocktail called 'HEADACHE' for the senior members of Bravo. Crossposted from AO3

  • Of Sunshine, Cookies, and Blood

    A missing scene from a day on the Green Mile, taking place a couple of days after Wild Bill's arrival. A quiet, relaxed day for Paul, Brutus, and Harry takes an unexpected turn when Dean's wife walks through the door, all sunshine and smiles on the outside, but prowling for blood on the inside as she looks for the man who dared harm her husband. Crossposted from AO3

  • The Book of Bravo - 03 - Bravo Bingo

    Alcohol is responsible for many things, including the creation of Bravo Bingo. Featuring drunk Clay and Brock, confused Sonny, exasperated Trent, Ray, and Jason, and shit-stirrer Metal. AO3 crosspost

  • The Book of Bravo - 2 - Predators of Paraguay

    When a group of American school children are kidnapped from an exchange program, Bravo are sent to Paraguay to get them back. What should be a relatively straight forward op goes sideways pretty quickly when they discover they have no comms, and the force they're up against isn't as small as their intel suggested. It's up to Bravo to get them out before it's too late.

  • The Five Stages of Exhaustion

    The world was doing it's best to fall to pieces over the space of three days, and the Tracy's are exhausted. None more so than John, who hasn't stopped the entire time, but he's determined to soldier through it so he can pass out when the earth finally takes a chill pill. To make things worse, an argument with Scott after a tough rescue has him seeking solitude; he doesn't get it.

  • The Return of Halleys Comet

    In 2060, Alan Tracy got to visit the famous Halleys Comet in person; one of four in history who could claim to do so. Now, seventy-five years later, Halleys Comet has returned and Alan decides to visit his extraterrestrial friend one last time. On the flight there, he reflects on everything that's happened to him during their time apart.

  • It only takes a lie

    Fíli is looking forward to the arrival of his new sibling. The day before his siblings birth however, a group of human children tell him the 'reason' for there being so few dwarfling's leading Fíli to make a drastic decision about his future.

  • In Our Time Apart

    It's always been Fíli and Kíli, never Fíli or Kíli, but some unwanted visitors arrive outside Ered Luin the day before Fíli's 70th birthday and change all that, changing their lives in a way they never thought possible. - Rating possibly MA for torture (will specify chapters where torture will occur so you can skip if uncomfortable.)

  • Because It Was Expected Of Him

    From the moment Fíli was born expectations were placed on his shoulders either too early or too much. And now standing on the wall looking at the battlefield he can't help but think how it came to this, that here listening to the silence of the world before the oncoming storm is where he might die tomorrow, where he might fail Thorin as he wasn't able to do what was expected of him

  • A Chilling Task

    Winter time has come to Ered Luin early this year so Fili and Kili decide to do what they can to help their struggling kin. But when a horrifying event occurs Fili is forced to confront the past before he can face his future.

  • Broken Beyond Repair

    Thorin has been neglecting Fíli for years without realising it, and now that Fíli appears to be turning down a dangerous path its up to Balin and Dwalin to show Thorin just how badly he's hurt his nephew so they can try and save him before its too late. Major Fili!Angst, Kili! Angst, Hurt/comfort, *MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH!*

  • Drifting Apart

    The World's going to hell and the Kaiju attacks are increasing. So when tomorrow could be the last day on Earth shouldn't family stick together? Fili thought so, but when his family ignore him when he returns to base Fili decides its time to live his final days the way he wants. The problem? When his family realize what they've done it might just be too late to right their wrongs.

  • In My Silence

    Anders has had enough of being used then tossed to the side by his family, and he tells them as much. Luckily, or unluckily for him the Gods and the Universe agree and... well... what better way to teach everyone than through a lesson? Mitchell just hopes it gets learnt before its too late.