
  • You're Okay And So Am I

    A nightmare comes to the queen at night, one she's had plenty of times. And one her sister always helps her with. The two are together again and they act like sisters should. But with a visit and departure of Weselton, Elsa shows a worrying part of herself not even her sister has seen before. Is it okay to just pass it as nothing?(incest at one point, so rating/genre might change)

  • I'm The Lucky one

    Elsa have been through a rough day of being queen, and can not wait to relax. and going to the study, she finds just the thing that will help her with that, or rather, just the person that can help her. this is a request made by ElsatheIceQueen1, a Elsaxreader if you will. the character Elsa's paired up with is no one from the movie, it's one of my readers, but I hope you enjoy.

  • Sorceress Of The North Mountain

    Anna stops at a tavern in Arendelle when a snowstorm suddenly hits and hears a man talk about "The sorceress off the north mountain" so after she hears the tale of this sorceress, she heads out despite the warnings she gets from the man. and up in the mountains, Elsa, the sorceress, is out looking for herbs, and meets a wounded warrior. should she help, or leave the warrior be? AU

  • I Want You As My Valentine

    Elsa's not to familiar with Valentines day. Anna explains it as a day where you give your loved ones chocolate, and you ask that special someone if they wanna be your Valentine. Elsa finds herself at a party, where a lot of men are giving her gifts, but there's only one person she wants a gift from, and that's from her sister. bad summary, Elsanna, nothin special but give it a shot

  • You're Sick

    After not seeing her sister at breakfast, Elsa finish early to check up on her. And to her dismay, she find Anna sick with a cold. After promising to come back after she's done being queen, the blond leaves Anna to rest. But when she comes back, her sister is having a seemingly bad dream and in the process of comforting her, Elsa gets a pleasant surprise from a still sleeping Anna.

  • I'm A Nobody, And She's A Somebody

    Elsa's a lone third year who have a huge crush on someone she haven't even talked to. Anna the first year is a happy bubbly girl, that everyone wants to be around, including Elsa. but how could a nobody with no friends be with someone like her? Elsanna, Modern AU, not incest, might change title later.

  • Every Snowflake Looks Different

    Just somewhere I leave all my Elsanna drabbles and requests I get on tumblr. no plot whatsoever, just random one shots. M rating because I get M rated requests though it will say in the beginning if there is M rated content so yeah. give em a shot I guess.

  • My Sister Is Not Just A Spare

    "I was just informing the princess about how usele-" but he never got to finish his sentence because a pile of snow fell right on him. Elsa was twitching in anger and it was actually snowing lightly inside. Taking the same snow that was over the man, she made a snow golem the same size as him. "Please show this man out. No need to be gentle." (M for a reason, incest and stuff)