

  • One shot- collection

    This a collection of One-shots that have to do with Jack being sick, hurt, losing his memory, kidnapped, and family drama. The stories would be written by different writers and If you want to help, just write a short story (1 chapter) and create a connections contact with me. Pm me and let me know. But I don't own rise of the guardians. Further detail inside.

  • Someone special

    In this story Ciel's parents were not dead. Ciel was never taken, and he never made the deal with Sebastian. He is normal and a happy child but when angels and demons come after this child his life is changed. Especially by the demon name Sebastian.

  • Three shots

    Three shots- Percy meeting his both parents after the war and the campers. I don't own BoO. SPOILERS

  • Welcome back

    It happened in between season 2. Surprisingly Rex cured two evos who turned out to be his parents. Wait how could this happen? Weren't they dead? Read and find out. I don't own generator Rex. Rated T because I am paranoid.

  • sanity

    This is a co-authored with Death Damsel and I. It has finally happened, Rex lost it. He's loosing his grip on reality. His sanity is starting to leave, making him go insane. He hurts the ones he holds most dear. Can he ever regain his sanity? Will he become a mindless Providence drone? What could Black Knight ever use him for? Rated T to be on safer side.

  • Drago power

    Trisa a girl shows out of no where up in Alfea with no memories. She is special but winx does not know that. Soon the dark spirit come after us the mystery began to reveal but hey why are the dragging Bloom in it. Summary sucks but story is better. Trust me please read me. I don't own winx.

  • New one

    Van kliese had kidnapped Rex. He have a girl who can control people and is forced to control Rex but when she ran away with Rex to providence and Caesar has discovered something about the girl. What will be Rex reaction? Read and find out. ( my summary sucks but story is much better) I don't own generator Rex. Rated T to be on safer side.

  • Interview with Jack and Pitch

    Ok this is one short. Now think of me as a spirit of um... Autumn cuz I love winter but it already has been taken by jack so. Sorry I a'm getting of the point. Now as I was saying I a'm a spirit I write spirit magazine for all the spirits of the world. I a'm taking the interview of guardians youngest member jack frost and Pitch. I will also add other guardian's interview.

  • Son like father

    Caesar has a son. He is just like his father,when Caesar wants to spend time with him and he refuses to spend time with him Caesar realises that he did the same with Rex and his family. Then Rex help Caesar to make his son feel that family is important. Will they make Caesar son change or he will stay like his father. I DON'T OWN GENERATOR REX. please review.

  • Interview with Rex

    Own by me, Farah is taking interview of our hero. Please read and review. Humour.