

  • The Darkness Makes the Light Shine

    Boarding School, Malec AU! When Alec's father sends him to a boarding school, he feels more out of place than ever before. He tries to hide in the shadows, not wanting to stand out. But what happens when his roommate just so happens to be the most "out there" student of all? And not only that, but resident bad boy of the school as well?

  • The Many Shades of Malec

    This is basically a bunch of short one-shots that I write based on the prompts I receive on tumblr. Send your own please! If you want something to turn into a full story, let me know! I write ANYTHING your heart desires :)

  • Gone But Not Forgotten

    A reflection of Magnus' life and his relationship with Alec. MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH. Started as a one-shot, but while it remains as "Complete," I will be adding more related one-shots.

  • Look Through My Eyes

    Alec is blind, and a certain warlock he meets at a party had the power to fix that. But does Alec want to be changed?