

  • Beautiful Daughter of The Fay

    Adara was exiled to Middle Earth by her Faerie mother Aralea Ondine after her human father died in battle. She hoped Adara would fare better than in Upper Earth. As she grows her enchantments become stronger. She is sweet, kind and compassionate, but also an angel of death in a fight. Even with her powers, can she help and protect Thorin and his followers. Will she find true love.

  • An Odd Adventure

    Fay Silva finally agreed to take tour of the world with her favorite cousin, what she got was a lump on her head and trip to Middle Earth. She was up to most any challenge, but having several male Tolkien characters making googoo eyes at her was a little intimidating.

  • After the Battle

    The Battle was over, Kili lay mortally wounded. Fili already gone, Thorin on his way out of the world. A bright sphere of light descended and enveloped Kili, his body lifted and was taken from the battle. AU, KilixOC, Please Review. One Shot, for Kili.

  • The Princesses of the Blue Mountains

    Candice and Amanda Stone had no idea that they were Dwarves, let alone Dwarven royalty. Gandalf wanted to make sure that the Durin line would continue. Though happiness would find them, sadness followed close behind. BofurxOC, ThorinxOC. Please review. M for Mature content.

  • Angel of Death

    Amara Sanguin, Emporess of the Haunted Hills, joins in the fight for Middle Earth. Her mate Boromir saved by her, aid in the fight to put an end to Sauron and bring order and peace to the land. BoromirxOC