
  • Everybody but Them

    Everybody in the guild knew they belonged together. Everybody but Them. Still one conversation might be the first step. PrincessoftheShadowsofDestiny's FanFiction Bingo challenge: Fairy Tail. DO NOT FOLLOW

  • Chatty Today

    The first meeting between Phineas and Ferb. He didn't need to talk if he didn't want to. For PrincessoftheShadowsofDestiny's FanFiction Bingo challenge: Cartoon DO NOT FOLLOW.

  • Besides

    They knew it was worth it. How could they not? For PrincessoftheShadowsofDestiny's FanFiction Bingo challenge: Anime/Manga. DO NOT FOLLOW!

  • For Their Fathers

    Most of the time they battled for their Guild. This time they were fighting for their fathers as well. DO NOT FOLLOW. For PrincessoftheShadowsofDestiny's FanFiction Bingo challenge: Drabble square. 97 words.

  • The Digidestined of the Question

    Where does good begin and evil end? When does good end and evil begin? Can children answer that question? It seems unlikely so this time around teenagers, or more accurately, young adults have been chosen. Can they save both the Digital Word and the Real World? Digimon Adventure Universe. Main Characters are OCs. T for safety.

  • The Best Maid and the One-Shots

    Little one-shots that belong to the same universe as The Man of Honor and the Best Maid. OC is Yuu Katsu. DON'T FOLLOW! THIS STORY IS DONE!