

  • The Real Me With The Real You

    Carrie Mathison visits ISI Agent Aasar Khan in his office. Spoilers for Homeland S4E7. Carrie took a deep breath. "The other night…"

  • Keep your Eyes off that Goalkeeper

    Carrie flies to the World Cup final in Brazil to catch the soccer-crazy extortionist who is blackmailing Majid Javadi. Quinn isn't pleased when she gets distracted by a sexy guy... Homeland Post S3. Written for the prompt... 'Watching the big game together'.

  • Etiquette

    Quinn gets tense when he brings Carrie and Franny to visit his family in Philadelphia. (Homeland. Post S4).

  • The Part At The End With You

    A home for all my random Carrie x Aasar Homeland drabbles (100-ish words). Mostly written in response to prompts on Tumblr.

  • Man Flu

    Peter Quinn is seriously ill. He has Man Flu. Carrie has something that might help. (Written for the prompt 'Quinn/Carrie taking care of the other one who is sick'.) Homeland Post S4.

  • All That Jazz

    "I don't dance to jazz... I drink to jazz." Carrie snatched Aasar's glass and downed the contents, grimacing. "Oh f-, that's straight lemonade." (Homeland - Post S4. Multi-chapter Carrie x Aasar fic. Caution for swearing).

  • The Arrangement

    "They're holding hands. I want them dead." ISI Agent Tasneem Qureshi calls Aasar Khan into her office for a chat. Set in Pakistan during Homeland S4.

  • A Cold Machine

    "Just give Peter a kick will you?" Set in Pakistan during Homeland S4 and references a few snippets and new characters from the S4 trailer. Written for the 'Heatwave' prompt.

  • The best thing about Istanbul

    Written for the prompt 'Drunken Quinn blurting his feelings out.' Set during Homeland S4.

  • Within Arm's Reach

    Any closer could be dangerous, too close to his heart. It was a territory that Sherlock had no desire to either lose or find himself in. Johnlock fic with spoilers for S3.