Zero Slash One

  • A Moment to Decide Your Destiny

    A glimpse at what if Phoebe had chosen to be the Underworld's Queen. Entirely unbeta'ed; no guarantees of quality are made.

  • Crystal's 21st

    Another birthday fic cranked out in a few hours. Almost certainly shoddy, but you might enjoy it regardless.

  • Blake & Blue

    Blue believes that even the good guys aren't spotless, but her job interview leads her to a dirty little secret. Or: How Blue might prevent the B2W2 arc.

  • Hail to the Queen

    Diana's life, after Darkseid's victory.

  • Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-5DMXal: Book 2 - Advent of the Shadow Riders

    After a tumultuous series of events in the alternate dimensions, the gang are stranded on an alternate earth. They really sort-of mind. AU, Series Rewrite, Anime/Manga verse mix.

  • The Digimon Story Collection

    Basically, a collection of stories and shippings from all the seasons of Digimon, ranging from both the commonplace to the obscure. If that sounds like an appealing concept, come on in, there might be something for your tastes.

  • Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-5DMXal: Book 1 - Age of The Supreme King

    When both Axel and Zane fail to bring down the Supreme King and snap Jaden back to his senses, who's left to fight the tideless curse of darkness? With a rapidly-dwindling number of allies, Aster and Syrus are hard-pressed just to survive. But with the unstoppable might of the Supreme King attempting to conquer all corners of the twelve dimensions, where do they have left to run?