Just stupid crack I put my OCs from my stories, but mostly SWAT Kats. Warning, doesn't really make sense.
High School AU. On a very hot day, Mike loses his temper and ends up getting in trouble, his punishment being to tidy up the equipment. But as he does so, he meets up with a kid with a few issues. Befriending him, the two end up developing more than friendship. Mike x (human) Foxy. Yaoi, Rated T for Mike's potty mouth. Now a Oneshot series by demand.
Sven is in a bit of a predicament. For most of his life, he's been sure that he is straight and never felt any attraction towards other males. Though when he met Ratchet, he was beginning to show signs otherwise but is oblivious to them. Rated M because a certain Zoroark has a colorful mouth and for what's to come. Yaoi/Slash.
A survivor that made a home out of a hotel finds a Hunter that isn't feral, though a bit of a troublemaker, but there is something more to this Hunter. Used to be a Oneshot, now a series by demand.
Routine can be dreadfully boring sometimes, but is the price of excitement too much? Kid often find himself thinking that after first meeting his new neighbors, the Smith family. Just another strange bunch that plagues his sanity. But having an unpredictable life isn't all that bad. Or is it? Depends on how you see it. Warning: No plot/crackish.
Sajin Komamura and his weapon join the DWMA. While a group of witches begin creating a new kishin. He must join a new group in order to take down the threat. Warning, Yaoi and eventual Lemon, but there's still a plot. Couple OCs.
Marcus is still not a legal adult, yet he's already starting his last year at the Cornerian Academy. Though the other classmen give him a hard time, he still manages to get through, with a little help from his roommate. MarcusxOC. slash/Yaoi, don't read if you don't like. Rated T now, but may change later.
What do you do when a heart only wants to disappear? The answer to which seems to elude the genius mind of Jake Clawson. Even with the help of his incurable optimist friend, Chance. But is finding this answer be worth it's toll. Rated M for... You'll see. Trust me on this.
The DWMA had kept a watchful eye over Gruntilda over the years. But with her many defeats, Lord Death is growing more concerned about the Heroes that took her down. At the same moment, Banjo is beginning to question who he is, wondering about his innocent natured personality. Perhaps a new life would help bring it to light? First Male OCxBanjo fic.
Minor in the Academy's sequel: Every few years, the Mercenary Games are held, and with Marcus being both a legal adult and graduate of Cornerian Academy, Fox is excited to allow his son to participate with Starfox. However, the young vulpine doesn't find the idea of being on the side all that pleasing. Rated M for future gore and other stuff. Warning: Marcus/Male OC Slash.
In retaliation, the Aparoid Queen has created a deadly gas to dispose of all the meaningless resistance. At the same moment, an out of placed confession sets things back as well as losing many unforgettable friends. At this rate, will the cost of victory be worth it? Rated M for lots and lots of Character Deaths. (Assault AU)
Roy, a weapon that was fed up with waiting for a partner, leaves the DWMA to form his own group. Though his new group will eventually catch the academy's attention. But is forming a team outside of the DWMA that bad of a crime? Rated T for what's to come.
Even though we start this story at the end, it is only the start for something larger. Four souls, fated to fight alongside side each other to live another day in their new life. But their style of defending themselves is primitive compared to the modern day world. The four learn to modernize themselves as a more efficient way of ensuring their survival. Mild gore and swearing.
A rookie subordinate begins to stir up trouble in the Seventh, but he seems to be happy about his punishment. Only his constsnt prying smile can unnerve his captain, but his smile isn't the only thing prying for secrets Competing Lemon against Higekimaru's Lemon.
Chance and Jake are two seniors in High School. Both having medical conditions that cause them to be classmates alone together. Though they struggle with a few problems, both emotional and physical. One of which is that Chance is slowly realizing his feelings for his only friend. (slash/Yaoi) Rated T for what's to come. Based off Yuukei Yesterday and Kagerou Days Manga chapters.
A trainer and his Zoroark are visiting a long distance friend and his Leafeon for the first time. The Pokémon's date start off without a hitch, but the trainers' seems to be a bit off. Just a Yaoi Oneshot. Don't read if you don't like. Crappy cover drawn by me.