
  • Miraculous Divergence

    I feel Season Four rolled back too much of Chloe's character development, my solution - Miracle Queen: Chloe's rant turned far more vicious than in canon provoking a physical response from Ladybug. After striking the civilian Chloe on live TV, Ladybug finds herself plagued by guilty. Marinette then visits Chloe in the hospital a reluctant friendship blooms that will alter destiny.

  • Convergence Point

    During the latest Secret Wars and DC Rebirth, a bored Beyonder fuses together a fragment of 616 Marvel with Earth Prime to form a new reality derived from aspects of both. A world of adventure teeming with heroes and villains awaits. Behold Convergence Point! Will contained elements from RYV besides Marvel 616 (namely Peter and MJ as a couple and Annie Parker) and DC Earth Prime.

  • Star Trek Star Wars Galaxies Divided

    The sequel to Galaxy At War. Our epic crossover adventure continues.

  • Star Wars Altered Fate

    Reupload (I rushed the first version compromising it)- During his duel with Ahsoka on Malachor Darth Vader is mysteriously sent back to the First Battle of Geonosis. Padme dies in the Arena seconds after his arrival. Vader in the teenage body of Anakin Skywalker now forges a new destiny for himself & the galaxy, with an eye towards the future. How will Vader's altered fate unfold?

  • Street Sharks Reborn

    Utilizing time travel the villainous Ultranova attempts to erase the Street Sharks from history. Instead he inadvertently brings the Street Sharks and their original nemesis Dr. Luther Paradigm to 2014, creating a whole new timeline.

  • Ninja Turtles Gargoyles Season Three Space Invaders

    Can our favorite nonhuman heroes win acceptance from the general population while protecting Earth from the hidden threat posed by Lord Dregg and his forces? Find out by reading my continuing adventures of the Gargoyles, (1987) Ninja Turtles and their friends, foes & allies.

  • Star Trek Ripple Effect

    When Damar dies and Ziyal lives a string of events is touched off that causes a very different timeline to unfold. The major changes begin when the Borg, during their disastrous war with Species 8472, look to establish a new branch of the Collective in the Alpha Quadrant. They start by assimilating the Federation transport vessel carrying Gul Dukat, who becomes the new Borg King!

  • TMNT Gargoyles Season Two Avalon and Beyond

    The battle for Avalon has been won, now can our heroes survive what is to come? Behold new villains and allies are introduced as the story goes full AU, and future challenges collide with terrors from the past.

  • May The Force Protect You

    What if Powers Rangers were a form of Jedi? Under the tutelage of Zordon and Obi-Wan can our young heroes protect Angel Grove from the forces of evil, while resisting the lure of the Dark Side as personified by Sidious and Vader?

  • Miwa The Fifth Turtle

    Universe 7531. What if on that fateful day Hamato Yoshi had saved his infant daughter Miwa from the fire that consumed their home in Japan? What would change? What would remain the same? Find out as you follow the adventures of Miwa the Fifth Turtle and her four "brothers". I'll be utilizing a variety of continuities in this story: including 1987, 2012 with 2003 elements.

  • Small Town Spider-Man

    What if Spider-Man along with his friends and foes lived in a small town rather than New York City? What would change? What would remain the same? Could Peter still keep his secret? Join Peter, Mary Jane, Gwen, Harry, Ben Reilly, Flash Thompson, Eddie Brock, Kaine and a plethora of others as our young heroes and villains come of age in middle America.

  • Star Wars AU The Triumph of Darth Plagueis

    Darth Plagueis discovers the plan of Darth Sidious to assassinate him and kills his apprentice. What will this mean for the fate of the Galaxy and our favorite characters? What will change? What will remain the same?

  • Star Trek Voyager Doctor Who Worst Case Scenario

    What if instead of meeting Species 8472 during the events of Scorpion the Borg and the crew of the USS Voyager faced an even deadlier transdimensional threat the Daleks! Starts off like Scorpion Part I, then quickly goes AU.

  • The Slayer Squad

    Following their untimely deaths at the hands of a mysterious and powerful new foe, the Powers That Be give Buffy and her two closest friends a second chance at life. This time around things will be different, Xander as the White Knight & Willow as the Crimson Witch will fight alongside Buffy nearly from the beginning. Together our three young heroes will form the Slayer Squad.

  • Spider-Man Teenage Mutant Ninja Warriors

    Spider-Man and the Ninja Turtles team up to save the World from Shredder and the Green Goblin, co-authored by CMR Rosa. *STORY SUSPENDED*

  • Days of Our Lives Vendetta

    At long last Stefano's many secrets are revealed, and the lives of everyone in Salem will be changed forever. The fates of John, Marlena, Roman, Hope, Bo and many others along with the final outcome of the Brady/Dimera Feud all hang in the balance. *STORY SUSPENDED*

  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Five AU Destiny

    Destiny has arrived. The fate of star-crossed lovers Buffy & Angle will be decided along with that of Sunnydale, the Slayer Line and the Universe itself. Duspurei (the resurrected Dark Slayer Faith) seeks to upset the balance between light and dark, while the ultimate evil behind Wolfram & Hart looms in the background ready to strike when the time is right. *STORY SUSPENDED*

  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Four AU - Corruption

    On the heels of their victory over Mayor Wilkins, and the destruction of Sunnydale High School, the Scooby gang face a deadly new threat. A millennia old Celtic vampire sorcerer who is hell bent on succeeding where the Master & Angelus failed. This foe is unlike any vampire they have faced before, being comfortable during both night and day!

  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer Doctor Quinn Medicine Woman: Time Bleeds

    The Order of Aurelius will live again. Obsessed with resurrecting his fallen comrades the medieval master vampire Heinrich Ness travels back in time to kill the maternal ancestors of Buffy Summers; Michaela and Byron Sullivan in 1870! This event leads to the meeting of the Scooby Gang and the people of Colorado Springs. *STORY SUSPENDED*