
  • How to be a Demigod (sort of)!

    Ever wanted to be a Demigod? well now you can (sort of) with these helpful (and not so helpful) tips! Warning: Storm-eyes-osprey and Storm-eyes-Penguin do not take any responsibility for any injury, damage or extreme hyperactiveness caused by completing these tips! still interested? read on!

  • C H E C K M A T E

    You need precision. You need strategy. A single move can flip the game on its head, turn a plan into a deathtrap, make the difference between winning and losing. And, most importantly, you have to be aware. Where do you stand? Are you the player, or simply a pawn in your own game?

  • Daughter of Ice

    There are Greek gods. There are Roman gods. Now, there is something new arising. New creatures, forgotten for centuries, are returning, and It's up to me to stop them from destroying the world as we know it. My name is Aiya, daughter of Skadi, the Norse goddess of Ice, and this is my story. First book in the ice trilogy.

  • Changing Times

    A piece of friendly advice: don't fall through portals. We did, and now we have no memories, only our names. But we've even had to change them. Why? Because, Thunder, Wind, River and Shadow are weird names for Demigods, right?

  • Chasing Thunder

    After the death of Frostclaw, Thunderclan can finally have a chance at normal life. But for the three remaining kits of Featherleap and Pigeonwing, the struggle is far from over, and when the arrival of a strange group of cats threatens to put the survival of the clans on the line, they may be faced with one of the most difficult choices a cat can make: leave, or go down fighting.

  • A r G o

    When his plans to rescue Calypso ended in disaster, Leo Valdez has been more alone than ever. His only distraction: working on the Argo II. Then, one night, she appears. The girl with the Golden eyes. The girl in the bronze plated dress. the girl who wears a dragon helmet. The girl who has no memories. The girl who feels no sense of pain. The girl whose name is Argo.

  • Epic Rap Battles of the Four Clans

    Think your favorite warrior can beat their rival in a battle of words, rhythm and overall style? Are they capable of fighting with music instead of claws and fangs? If so, come and witness it for yourself! welcome to the Epic rap battles of the four clans! (all rights to the idea go to lolkittie64, rated T for possible mild swearing)

  • The Power of Three: The sight

    We know the warriors, now experience them as you have never seen them before... as humans. An ominous prophecy hangs over the children of Squirrel and Bramble, Jay, Lion and Holly. Follow their footsteps as they forge the paths of their lives as members of Thunderclan, learning to fight, hunt, love and fit in. but fitting in is hard when you are part of the prophecy of three...

  • Blue

    The last thing lingering in my vision a sweep of blue, blue like the river, blue like the sky, blue like Crowpaw's eyes, blinking out with the breath of a smile whispering onto my jaws until I knew nothing but darkness.

  • Storm's study of Starkit's Prophecy

    The title says it all! Warning: May contain awful grammar, Horrific spelling and bright purple cats with rainbow eyes! (See the cover image for my interpretation of what Starkit looks like, and to see what Storm the Osprey thinks of her!) DISCONTINUED

  • Adopt a Story

    Want to write a fanfiction but have no idea where to start? then this is the place for you! Here, I will be putting up all of my story ideas that I never plan to write, just waiting for someone to make them their own. Interested? Look onwards!

  • I Promise You

    "Brightpaw, I promise you, that, by tomorrow, we'll be warriors." The ginger she-cat sighed wistfully."Warriors…" she murmured. "That's all I ever wanted to be…" I smiled, and purred again. "And you will be. I promise you…"