
  • Forgiveness

    "I forgive you… for everything that you have done, for everything you are doing… and for everything you have not done yet. There is enough room in my heart to accept and forgive you." Why would you forgive someone like me? "It stings, doesn't it?" Sinbad/Judal

  • Guilt and Pleasure

    Calem feels responsible for starting a sexual relationship with Professor Sycamore. He feels guilt, but not enough guilt to stop it. SycamoreCalem

  • Pounding

    Since then, Kuroko still doesn't fully understanding the pounding, in his heart, his head, his fingertips. But he does understand that it only happens with Aomine, and that whatever it is, Aomine feels it only for him too. M-rated for second chapter

  • Sleep

    It was so quiet, a whisper, less of a question and more of an acceptance. Then the eyes slid shut again and he couldn't begin to express the warmth that melted his heart. SinbadxJudal