Malfoy Mouth James- MMJ

  • Drawing Scars

    Remus has never thought of himself as attractive. He figured the scars would be pretty off-putting for just about everyone. But when an ambitious, artsy, little Slytherin begs him to be her model for a day, he finds he simply can't say no. Maybe she'll show him how the rest of the world sees him. (Not a one-shot. Remus/OC).

  • How Much Stranger Could It Get

    Johanna Byers thought her whole world ended when they pulled her brother from the lake. When Nancy shows up, changing everything she thought she knew, Jo joins her twin on one hell of an adventure. And somehow, finds her soulmate as well as her baby brother through the midst of it. A 'feel-their-pain' soulmate fanfic.

  • If I Had to Choose You or the Sun

    Other than a mild crush on a doctor who was much older than her, Helena Swan would say her life was pretty normal. Safe, a little boring. But an incident brings her closer to a family that holds a secret she's not too bothered to worry about. That is, until Bella moves in with her and Charlie. When Bella starts dating the youngest son of Dr. Cullen, things get a little messier.

  • It's All A Little Crazy

    LJ is stuck in the mental ward, due to the things she sees. Monsters. No one believes her, of course. She knows he's an angel the moment she sees him. And she feels so pulled to him. Little does she know, he feels it, too. But the best part is he doesn't think she's crazy. And neither do his friends. A Castiel soulmate fanfic.

  • Seeing Angels

    Maybel Swan is your typical young woman. Well... No, she's not. She lives at home but she's not going to college, and she uh, well. She sees monsters. Her life is pretty boring despite this. That is, until a devilishly handsome angel shows up in her living room, asking for her help to kill Lucifer. And on this mission, some connections will be uncovered.

  • For Some Terrible Reason

    A twist on the original Everlark romance. Sometimes all it takes is a little fear to push us to drastic measures. All Peeta wants to do is take care of her, if she’ll let him.


    Being bullied is hard. Being bullied while dealing with Tourette's is worse. Throw in a massive crush on the most popular kid who's been known to bully the freaks of Hawkin's High, and it's the cherry on top of a massive crap show. But Johanna's seen the changes in Steve Harrington lately. Maybe some pushing from his new co-worker will open Steve's eyes to options he's never seen.

  • A Spoonful of Honey

    It's difficult enough to like a girl, much more so when you're a werewolf and the girl you seem to have fallen for has a burning hatred for all magical creatures. But she's a queen at potions- it's no wonder James and Sirius have brought her on as their prank potioneer. If only the wolf inside would quiet down, then maybe he'd have a better chance of staying in the shadows.

  • A Dark Day For Paris

    The people of Paris can't help but berate Chat Noir for his lack of maturity in being a superhero. Ladybug simply can't take it anymore, and decides to show them what it'd be like if they had decided to go the opposite way of superheroes.

  • The Silliest of Notions

    Just a little random story of two OC's of my making, entering their first year alongside Harry and the Trio. Mostly just writing practice for me and a place to make fun head cannons about the friendship between a chipper Slytherin and a high-strung Hufflepuff.

  • Azkaban Daughter

    Rita is just the average first year Hogwarts girl. Except, Rita is the daughter of Sirius Black;the Azkaban prisoner. She always went by 'you don't have to be proud of your parents, but you shouldn't be ashamed of them.' Will her outlook on things change when she hears more about her father? What happens when he escapes? And will a certain orange-haired boy catch her eye?

  • When You Realize

    Remus Lupin, Prefect, Marauder, super hot? Yeah, that Remus, has fallen in love with a fellow student at Hogwarts. But can he overcome his fear and tell her? Beckett Click, Prefect, Smart, Pretty? Yeah, that Beckett. Can he get her to fall in love with him? Can he make her see past his 'furry little problem? But what he doesn't realize, is that it may be much easier than it seems.

  • The Daughter Of Potions

    Cara James is going into her third year at Hogwarts, no idea that her father will be there as well. Severus has no idea of how to tell Cara that he is, in fact, her father. Will he ever tell her about her parentage? The answer is no, however, she will indeed find out in her own special way of hers-with the help of our beloved Weasley Twins! How? Read to find out! Sorry sumry sucks.

  • The Knife That Is Love

    It was hereby declared that anyone 17 and older, who is not already married, would be matched with another witch/wizard. Draco would be forced to marry an Italian Muggle born, who lives in the Big Apple. It's like Castle, but not exactly. and Beckett and Castle are not in it, because CASKET FOREVER! Full summary inside.

  • What Is Expected

    Elizabeth Malfoy was always the perfect daughter. She was like her father in more ways than one. The only bad thing was, she might be falling for one of the only boys her parents would not approve of! Being placed in Slytherin was what made a great Malfoy, so was she heading down a path of failure? Would one call not being evil to blood traitors and Mudbloods failure?

  • Dark Marks And Flowers

    Takes place one month before Voldemort talks about being actual Death Eaters, and begins the hunt for the potters. So generally Snape is still a death eater and Draco is one year older than Harry in this story. How the Death Eaters and Voldemort make the Dark Mark, and how Voldemort got Nagini. Just a one-shot.

  • Karma's A B

    Sirius Black,we all know the name. Hogwarts favorite womanizer. Every girl at Hogwarts hopes to be taken to a broom closet by him. Except, of course, by three people: Lea and Beckett Click, and Lily Evans. Can he change his ways? What will it take? He'll finally get a taste of some cold, hard, karma. After all, he's the one that strings all the girls along. Now it's his turn.

  • If Life Was Erasable

    What if Sirius Black got married, had a kid, and never went to Azkaban? What if the Potters never died? What if Snape was never a Death Eater? What if, what if, what if? Harry Potter,Aquarius Black,Javier Snape,and Holly Dixon go through their lives, not knowing that they could have gone so incredibly differently. Also, I have polls for who Holly might end up with, and her house.

  • Missing You

    In which Marcus really is part troll, two muggleborns sneak their way into Slytherin, and work their way into the lives of our favorite chosen one and Slytherin Quidditch Captain. Marcus/OC and Harry/OC

  • One Tiny Glitch

    Just one flick of a pencil can change everything. It can change four people's genders-altering the course of history. In which Harry is a girl, and everything has changed. A world in which Drarry may just be acceptable to the people of the Wizarding community. #Drarley Rated T just to be safe.