
  • Invidia's Rise

    3 years after the Lights left earth, the senshi face a new danger and the lights return to help them. Of course everything and nothing at all has changed from when they were last there. While struggling against their new opponent, old feeling will be settled and new love will bloom. Slight OOC

  • Kaname's Vampire Knight

    When Zero breaks up with Kaname, he resorts to harming himself. Why did Zero break up with him? And will Zero be able to save him before it's too late? Yuuki Bashing and OOC. Of course I had to add fluff.

  • Why do you smell like fish?

    Lovino feels like he is pathetic and useless, especially in comparison to Feliciano. What happens when Antonio finally finds out about his cutting? Somewhat angsty, but it's all made up for in romance, fluff, and a little bit of humor at the end. Warning: Self-harm, Romano's mouth, and OOC.

  • So that's why!

    Yammamoto feels like Gokudera doesn't really care for him anymore, and is also very jealous of Tsuna for occupying Gokudera's mind, when that should be his place. But all of their problems really come down to one thing: Gokudera cares too much about Yammamoto. Gokudera finds himself too unfocused because of yammamoto. OOC & angsty, but a fair amount of romance and fluff.

  • You're Cute When you Sleep

    Yuuki tells Zero that her and Kaname are an item? What happens when Zero is upset enough to hurt himself? Kaname to the rescue! Warning: Boy x Boy, Self-Harm, and slight Yuuki Bashing. OOC. Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.