Soul Of The Dark Mark

  • The Bloody Trio

    What if the roles were switched? The hunted becoming the hunter? The mouse becoming the cat? Hermione, graduated from Hogwarts, is on a mission for the dark side comes across a schoolmate she never thought she would see alive again. She will fight tooth and nail to capture him, dead or alive. Parallel universe.

  • Confusing Actions

    In reasponse to Megsy42's First Kiss challenge. Draco comes across a crying girl, and does somethings he isn't so sure about.

  • Pause In Time

    A one-shot where Hermione thinks of all the reasons she fell for Ron. Rated T to be safe.

  • Muggle Me

    Ever since Hermione Granger set foot into the magical world of Hogwarts, she knew that her life would change forever. Even through her years of school, facing unimaginable danger she never regretted becoming who she was. However, when that life is erased from her mind who does that make her? Is she still the brightest witch of her age, or just another muggle caught in a war?

  • Butterflies

    Theodore Nott has discovered something quite disturbing about his body. With the help of his best mate, Draco Malfoy, he will get to the bottom of these so called 'butterflies.'

  • Changing Perspectives

    Hermione is abandoned in the forest by Harry and Ron. It's up to her if she makes it out alive. But to live she must make a dark choice, one that will take her down a road she won't ever be able to come back from. HG/DM. 6th Year.

  • I Love You Mommy

    There is no love quite like how a mother loves her son. Or how a son loves his mother. One-shot.

  • Death of the Valiant

    'Cowards die many times before their deaths, the valiant never taste of death but once.' Not a Cho/George. One-shot.

  • The Truth About Ms Norris

    The students knew nothing of Argus Filch's grave mistake. They knew nothing of the pain he faced everyday when he looked at his faithful companion. One-shot.