Phantom of a Rose

  • A Secret Rose

    AU 6th year When Hermione and Draco are paired up to be 'Quil Pals' they start spilling things to each other that they have never told anyone else. The flaw is that they don't know who the other really is! 'Missunderstood Guy' meets 'Invible Rose'

  • The Secret of a Mother

    I know something about the Potters' deaths, something that will change your life, Harry, forever. said the woman. You see, Lily Potter isn't dead. Harry gasped and Dumbledore's eyes widened. 5th year AU

  • Miracles and Second Chances

    Tonight Godric's Hollow was different. Why? Maybe because of the air, the magiclike feel to it. Perhaps even the shimmer of light coming from two rooms. . .Takes place just after 4th year. Lily and James comeback. FINALLY UPDATED!

  • Turning Over a New Leaf

    Draco is finally free from his father's clutches...they only problems is that the rest of his family and pureblood population want him dead. To keep him safe, he's staying with a muggleborn and her family....and that family is the Grangers....

  • A Snape in the Rough

    Sarah Snape is a fourth year at Hogwarts this year, her mother wanting to be closer to her father, though they have been divorced for many years. Sarah befriends a certain trio, and dispite her father's bitterness toward this, also falls for one of them.

  • The True Identity: Year Five

    Harmony begins her fifth year at Hogwarts and the Dark Lord begins to rise. Just some of the things to look foward to whether she knows it or not: The Order, Umbridge, a Prophecy that holds her future, and the death of someone she holds dear. But who?

  • We're Havning a Baby!

    Everyone makes mistakes, me, I just made the biggest one. Both her and I. I hope everything works out okay, and that her family doesn't kill me. We're both scared. GWxHP ON SHORT HOLD

  • What If?

    Gender Bender story - this is inspired by a DeviantArt by blastedgoose, in which all the Harry Potter character's gender are switched. Harriet Potter. Ronnie Weasley. Herman Granger. Read to see more!

  • Adventures in Snape

    Stories from the life of the Snape family: Severus and Lily and their children Rose, Fred and Alice. AU, Snape/Lily but Harry still exists, don't worry , many OCs. Alternating POVs. Warning: Many Doctor Who refrences.

  • I Will Always Love You

    Just when Hermione thought her seventh year would be normal, she fell into time. The time of the Marauders to tell you the truth. Hermione is trying to keep a low profile for that reason, but could she really help falling in love? HGRL UPDATED!

  • The True Identity: Year Four

    Harmony Potter's 4th year at Hogwarts is becoming the worst ever. She's now the 4th champion in the Triwizard Tournament and most hate her for it. Good side: Her relationship with Cedric is better than ever . . . and then there's the DADA teacher . . .

  • The True Identity: Year Three

    Everything is great this year. Harmony Potter is living with Sirius in his old house, she and her friends or as tight as ever maybe even more and Remus is the DADA teacher! Problem: There's an excaped convict out to kill her. Another fun year.

  • The True Identity: Year Two

    Something is happening at Hogwarts this year, something Harmony Potter can't control or explain just yet. Not only does she have to figure this out, but she's going to Hogwarts this year as Harmony, not Harry Potter. It's going to be a long year.

  • The True Identity: Year One

    Harmony Potter has just found out that she is the GirlWhoLived. Problem. Everyone believes that she is the BOYWhoLived, Harry Potter. What's a girl to do? Maybe. . .Go along? Then there is the subject of a huge black dog. When did life get so complicated?

  • Memories of the Future

    TimeTravel AU 6 year After a potion gone wrong Lily and the MaraudersPete are thrown into the future! The come to find a pensieve and deside, stupidly, to go inside. They find that the memories of the future arn't all lilies and roses.Overused plot, Read!