
  • You Don't Know The Chances

    "While I do understand that your son should have done what you said and waited, the responsibility of him getting hurt still falls on you. If you had child locks in place or if you had kept an eye on him, then he would have been fine. I'm afraid that this is going to reflect very badly on you. I'd say you're looking at a federal offense."

  • Deer In The Headlights

    "You may claim you care about your friend here. But we both know the truth. You endangered her life the moment you let her come to this place. It is time for you to decide which you love more: Chalkzone or Penny."

  • Gone Too Far

    "Perhaps I have been a little too soft. I mean, I am supposed to be ChalkZone's protector, right? How can I accomplish that if I never truly deal with threats? Maybe now is the time I change my attitude a little...starting with you."

  • Break

    "Think of this as payback for that little stunt you and Rudy pulled on me back at the studio. After how you publically humiliated me...you deserve this..."

  • Catch A Brief Reflection

    Sequel to Sinful Behaviors and Play The Game. "Oh dear Penny...You honestly don't believe your friend is any different, do you? The Black Chalk has planted its seed in him, just like it had with me. It is...just a matter of time. All the pieces will soon drop into the fray, and there is nothing you can do to stop it."

  • Shadows

    Rated for later chaps. The Dino Squad always believed Victor Veloci was their worst enemy. They thought that no one could be worse than an evil velociraptor bent on world domination. But when an ancient, highly intelligent dinosaur species, one they never heard of before until now, emerges, the Dino Squad may be forced to make a deal with the devil if the world is going to survive.

  • Anger And Agony

    "Do you have any idea how hard it was getting that chalk to begin with? Do you know how much trouble I had to go through to have all of that arranged? And you...You took it all away."

  • Need

    "All ziz time, I zought zat perpetual motion waz going to be my ticket to fame, but I waz wrong. I have found zomething elze, zomething far more imprezzive. And zat, my rectangle friend...iz you. Now...let'z zee how you tick..."

  • From His Mind

    Short oneshot from the point of view of a certain villain.

  • Shattered Doll

    Takes place sometime after You Belong To Me. "Tell me, Snap. How does it feel, knowing you have become the most hated zoner in ChalkZone? How does it feel knowing that zoners that once loved you now want you dead? It doesn't feel good, does it? Especially since you can't even remember..."

  • The Cat Was Killed From Curious Thrills

    "If you think I'll go easy on you, think again, Snap. You aren't human. You're just some chalk creature that invaded our world. I intend to get the truth from you, one way or another."

  • Breathe In, Breathe Out

    Short story taking place between Doppelganger and You Stay The Same. "I missed our times together. Can you blame me for feeling a little..nostaglic? I was thinking that we could, well...for old time's sake, have a little fun? I do so appreciate the...gift... you gave me... Maybe I should give you something just as...permanent...?"

  • Eye For An Eye

    Rated for intense graphic violence. "You aren't so special after all. You're just like every other artist out there. A mortal human, like me, like the others. You only wished that you were somebody special, so you tried to make yourself out to be the most original artist out there, and in the end, look at where it's gotten you. You're my prisoner, and it's all your fault."

  • Thanks For Nothing

    Very old fanfic for Bear Nuts. Just how did Sloth feel when Prozac came and brought Evil from the wild back to the zoo, an act of kindness that the self-proclaimed leader had never extended to the large orange bear?

  • You Stay The Same, Allowing Me To Change

    Short story taking place after the events of Doppelganger. "I've been anticipating this moment, Snap. ...oh don't be like that. It's not like that at all. I just want to...talk to you."