PokGirl Blue

  • Setting up dates

    It's before the Gladers (Including my OC) go into the maze. Newt is having a hard time asking out Alby on a date, so Ashley (OC) and Minho decide to help him, what will happen? What happens when they have a plan to get Newt and Alby together? One shot! Don't forget to leave a review of what you thought about it!

  • The Dauntless girl named Maria

    Sequel to 'The Amity girl named Maria', which I recommend reading first to leave out any confusion. A year after everything that happened, Maria and her friends are happily living their lives in Dauntless, but what will happen when the Factionless start to rise, and they want Maria dead? Will they do what many wouldn't think to do and go outside the wall? What would happen then?

  • Hell disguised as Paradise

    Takes place 5 years after the infection starts. Jake and his friends only wanted one thing in the rotting world, to find a place they can call home. When they get out of the Quarantine Zone, they start their journey. Along the way they encounter new enemies, but who is their greatest foe? What will happen if they think they found their paradise?

  • Johnathon's Twin

    What if Jocelyn had twin boys and only Johnathon became corrupted by the demon blood? What if she took the one that wasn't corrupted after the Uprising? Watch as Clary and her brother Christopher learn about the Shadow world and must help take down their father and their demonic brother. Hope you guys like the story!

  • Female Glader: Ashley's story

    What if an accident happened that made Teresa and Thomas decide to send a girl up into the glade? Follow Ashley as she makes friends, learns about the glade and the dangers that happen in the maze, and the dangers of being the only girl in the entire glade. This is my first story so I hope you guys like it! Leave a review if you want and with this story there will be NewtxAlby.

  • Divergent: The Amity girl named Maria

    This story takes place 20 years after Tris's initiation if the war never happened. Well not until Maria Clinton, a Amity girl that can't stand being a peace keeper, switches to Dauntless after learning something shocking about her. Follow Maria as she goes through initiation with new friends, some being the kids of some characters. I do not own Divergent.

  • Gladers past

    What were the Gladers lives like before the trials? Were they the same person? What memories do they all have that they will never remember or wish they didn't remember? This includes my OC, and also (Spoiler Alert) Newt is immune to the Flare.

  • Is this really Paradise?

    Takes place 8 years after the group escapes (This also includes my OC). The gang goes through their new lives as they are now in Paradise. And when someone from the past shows up, the gang has new questions that may never be answered. Hope you guys like the story!