Sequel to "Plum Sweet." Ranger and Stephanie committed themselves to each other on a job in Atlanta. How does that translate now that they're back in Jersey? After life-changing injuries, Joe Morelli has to adapt to a life without his career in law enforcement. What is next for him? The next phase of "Plum Sweet" begins here.
What if Ranger were to open up to Stephanie? A rewritten scene from Look-Alive Twenty-Five as Ranger and Stephanie drive to the Red River Deli. (Everything familiar belongs to Janet Evanovich.) Written for June 2022 Writing Prompt in Janet Evanovich Fan Fiction Facebook page.
The war is won, but the war within Katniss has only begun. With her return to District 12, how will she cope with the loss of Prim? How does she move on with her life, especially when Peeta arrives back in 12? The story of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark post-Mockingjay.