
  • Doctor of Thuganomics and Death Battle Characters

    An alternative universe. What if Death Battle and the Death Battle characters existed around those past years like in 2001 to 2009 around the WWE's Ruthless Aggression Era? Today John Cena starts to watch an old Smackdown tape to remember his past years of wrestling of being known as 'Dr. of Thuganomics.' Dr. of Thuganomics goes freestyle on the Death Battle characters at old WWE.

  • Fear

    On hiatus. (JTAK: Future Era / Character Story: Fear / Developed in: 2014) An Earth Pony Stallion name: Fear, was born in Equestria. For vacation, he travels to Arc Planet. Taking a vacation there was enjoyable. Until things have brought him into a war between groups which he gets dragged in there. Will he be safe in his vacation or he'll live in the middle of the warzone by death?

  • RWCWF: The Adventures of Rikishi

    On hiatus. (RWCWF: Side Stories) The 400-pound Samoan WWE superstar wrestler Rikishi travel by spaceship to Arc Planet to wrestle at RWCWF. He wanted to see what's it like to wrestle there, to face different superstar species/characters from around the galaxy, to make new fans, to win championships and to become famous. Will he become a famous RWCWF superstar or will he fall?