

  • The Apathetic Savior

    The Dursley's really should have known the psychological implications their neglect would have on an impressionable young child. Ten years later and Harry has become an empty shell incapable of showing emotion. What will someone like that do in the face of his wizarding legacy…? Not much, honestly.

  • The Luckster and His Doughnut

    An AU story loosely based off of the Dating Sim function of the first Danganronpa game. What would happen if everyone managed to get out of the school alive and the world wasn't completely boned? Well, NaegiXAoi for one thing, and one hell of a crack-filled story stuffed to the brim with donuts for another! XD Not meant to be taken seriously :3 Just enjoy! :D On hiatus for now :).

  • Hope Minus Despair

    What would have happened had Enoshima's plan for Global despair still happened but she was taken down before she could enact the 'High School Life of Mutual Killing' plan? My take on what the remaining 15 students would do if their agreement to stay in the school for the rest of their lives actually happened. Naegi/Harem and not meant to be taken seriously. XD On hiatus for now :)

  • The Paper Angels

    What would happen if Konan was the same age as Naruto? And on top of that, what if they had first met each other when they were still only children? After ending up with nowhere else to go, she decides to stay with Naruto at his house, greatly changing not only his life, but everyone else's lives in the village... Forever. Crack-fic with NarXKon pairing :). On hiatus for a while :)

  • Evening Mask

    What if Mayu had survived, what she had thought had been her pre-destined death, in Heavenly Host? The simple act of one person defying destiny, causes more than just one person to dodge their demise. What will happen to the group of Kisaragai Academy students following this shocking turn of events? Will uncalled for feelings be finally expressed? Read to find out... On hiatus :3

  • Sachiko's 2U True Finale - Harem End

    A story about what would have happened, had Satoshi taken the chance to speak out to Sachiko before their chance to escape was sealed forever. With everyone who was supposed to be trapped in Heavenly Host back in the real world, will Satoshi be able to survive the onslaught of girls who now want him? Wait… what? XD Satoshi/Harem? Cx On hiatus until I finish everything. :)

  • Levi's Grim Reminder

    What I, as a straight male, think of the whole 'Fan Girls creepily liking Levi to death thing', and what I believe would happen if they had somehow managed to be a part of the whole 'Attack on Titan' world. Definitely crack-filled, and not meant to be taken seriously. I hope you enjoy! And please don't get upset... It's all done as a joke xD. One-Shot Cx