SIGH... sometimes love doesn't work out. So you will have to accept that.
I interview a character that has gone evil. I wonder,... will I look fabulous?
A nice poem about a nice couple. Might be a little vague. If confused, PM me. O rsay so in the comments and I will explain. Takes place in the episode The Puppy and the Ring. Or any, actually...But I like it in that universe better.
Might ray isn't the only one ranting now. Companion peice to Mighty ray's rant.
Yep. He is totally better than Mocha.
I will tell you how to get your dream girl by...dramatic puase... dancing! Did not suspect that, did you?
Sigh. The letter of Mr.Gosh to his "Love"
Sigh. Mr.Gosh tries to hide in the safe haven of Denial.