

  • Forever Yours

    SIGH... sometimes love doesn't work out. So you will have to accept that.

  • Interview

    I interview a character that has gone evil. I wonder,... will I look fabulous?

  • Love Poem

    A nice poem about a nice couple. Might be a little vague. If confused, PM me. O rsay so in the comments and I will explain. Takes place in the episode The Puppy and the Ring. Or any, actually...But I like it in that universe better.

  • Mystique Sonia's Rant

    Might ray isn't the only one ranting now. Companion peice to Mighty ray's rant.

  • Better than Mocha

    Yep. He is totally better than Mocha.

  • How to dance a girl away

    I will tell you how to get your dream girl by...dramatic puase... dancing! Did not suspect that, did you?

  • MrGosh's love poem

    Sigh. The letter of Mr.Gosh to his "Love"

  • Denial

    Sigh. Mr.Gosh tries to hide in the safe haven of Denial.