Moldy Wart 88

  • Part of Me

    What if Anna ignored her parents orders to never go into Elsa's room?

  • If This Was A Movie

    AU. Songfic of the song with the same name. I suck at summaries, but basically, this is about the untold canon story of Lily and Severus. How they came so close, yet were so far.

  • Safe And Sound

    AU. Harry is dying, and the war is ending. Severus spends his last few moments with Harry in the middle of the battlefield. *songfic*

  • If I Die Young

    Severus and Lily has a small talk about death. What could have happened if Severus' fifth year never happened. *Songfic. Sort of* SS/LE

  • Memorio Subconsciotus

    You can't really remember what happened when you were a baby can you? A baby's memories stay hidden, don't they? So, it's safe to tell a baby secrets, right?

  • Silence, in the Name of Severus Snape

    There are many secrets Severus Snape holds, but most of those secrets, he'd confide them in someone he deems trustworthy, like Dumbledore. Even so, there are still some matters he would never ever confess verbally, not even to Dumbledore.