
  • Breaking Twilight

    Charlie Swan is having troubles that he doesn't feel he is equipped to handle. Swallowing his pride, he asks for help from an unlikely source. He regrets everything.

  • The Champion's Dilemma

    Cedric is having a moral crisis. Harry has no morals. Blaise just wants to eat his din din. Rated P: for Perverts. Side Story to 'Oh You Didn't Know? Yeah, He's Awesome'. Gift Fic for my 200th Reviewer AmniIsRoving

  • Indeed It is Awesome

    A collection of gift fics and deleted scenes from my story: Oh You Didn't Know? Yeah, He's Awesome. Next is, The Pursuit of Yaoiness: Dean wanted a quiet day to draw. Cedric wanted to stay sane. And who ever knows what Blaise wants? Requests denied! So decreed Harry Potter to everyone's brains. For 400th reviewer Firehedgehog!

  • Oh You Didn't Know? Yeah, He's Awesome

    Remember Goblet of Fire? What would happen if Harry took the filter off his mouth and actually said what he's thinking? Bad things, probably. But it'll be fun as hell. My go at the Intelligent!Harry, Smart alec!Harry situation.

  • Potter Family Values

    Prompt: From Sherina Toh. "James Sirius Potter must marry. In 100 days. Or he shall loose his Potter inheritance, due to a teeny, tiny clause in the Potter Family law. "You want the money? You must marry!" Cue the chaos. Warnings: Profanity, Mature themes, slash, stupidity.

  • The God of Dragons

    Charlie Weasley starts a cult. He regrets it immensely. Meanwhile, Harry has a little girl time with his dragon lady friends. Side story to 'Oh You didn't Know? Yeah He's Awesome'. Gift fic for my 100th reviewer RRW.

  • He's A Slytherin

    Harry gets shuffled into Slytherin, and yeah, it's not his first choice, or his choice ever, but he's always been good at making a crappy situation into amazingness. Everyone in Hogwarts seems to expect a little four eyed push over…heh, they are NOT correct.