

  • Her Hero

    (12 Shots of Summer) Little sisters are such doting things, aren't they?

  • Weight of the Sword

    (12 Shots of Summer) The only reason Prussia wanted to use it was because it would be decisive proof that he'd grown into a strong man.

  • Death of a Brother

    (12 Shots of Summer) Just when they were going to get out of this nightmare, they had to kill him. Italy finally knew what it meant to lose something you couldn't live without, as a country and a brother. (HetaOni)

  • An End

    (12 Shots of Summer) "Shuang told me what you've done, Lee." His body went ridged. She wondered if it was from the knife pressed against his back or from the fact that she knew. "I think... You need to face your punishment now."

  • Of Cold Hands and Warm Hearts

    There's nothing different about the winter breaks they spend together. They've always been filled with snowball fights and dragon roasted marshmallows, courtesy of the little green "Toothless Daydream". Neither of them think that should change just because they've gotten older. If it does, who knows. Maybe it'll be better that way. [Shibuya Operation - Story Storm]

  • Something Special

    They'd still see each other. Maybe not every day, but they would see each other. The twelve-year-old twins made that promise when they realized it. The Mystery Twins forever, they declared, even when we're not. That was the most special thing about them.

  • Stay

    "Stay with me," she murmured while wrapping her slender arms around his waist. Sleeping with her had become something of a habit of Arthur's because he wasn't able to deny her.

  • Their Promise

    "Please, don't leave. I'm not asking you for anyone else, I'm asking you for me. Your sister. Please, Alfred, don't leave me alone…"

  • A Cinderella of a Different Kind

    (12 Shots of Summer) Fauchereve was used to strange dreams but he never expected to really be in one. (Dreamtalia/Yumetalia)

  • A Letter Home

    (12 Shots of Summer) She wasn't ever going to get the letter, and he knew that, but there was part of him that wasn't going to let it go.

  • Wishes

    (12 Shots Of Summer) Everybody dreams and most everybody wishes but not everyone wishes for little things. Some people wish to be free, some people wish to be born differently, and some people aren't allowed to wish.

  • Dreaming and Hoping

    (12 Shots of Summer) He dreams like any other even if he knows nothing will come from it. He dreams and hopes. He thinks about the way things should be, with everyone alive.

  • Something To Protect (12 Shots Of Summer)

    It's one thing to protect yokai, who were more of the night type, and another to protect humans, who preferred to live by the light of the sun... Lucky for both humans and yokai, Rikuo was just crazy enough to give it a shot.

  • Sunset

    "Sitting beside him and gazing out at the sun setting behind the large, blooming cherry tree leaves me feeling like I'm glowing with a sort of feeling that nothing else could give me. This is what complete happiness felt like." Rihan x Narrator