
  • When All Else Fails

    Perry was an ordinary platypus agent, fighting a normal evil scientist. When Perry's life is turned upside down by a tragedy who is there for him, and why does he have strange feelings for the man who is having his own struggles? (Pairings include Phinerb, Montnessa, BuJeet, and Perryshmirtz. A mention of Ferbnessa. Slash.)

  • Kyle's Note

    Life wasn't always what you expected. You can read a book and hear about the characters going on adventures, but when did that ever happen? Life was realistic. You weren't magical, you didn't have soul mates, there wasn't a god that would save you. You had to make your own life. (Suicide mention, character death)

  • The Tears in his Eyes

    The murder. The secrets. It overwhelmed Eric. He clenched his fist, throwing the journal at the wall. Pictures of a red-headed boy flew all around, drifting to the floor. He let a sob out. Eric got up from his place and walked toward the door, embracing the night air. He'd leave his hiding. He'd return to South Park and make amends with Kyle. He'd have to eventually, wouldn't he?