
  • If You've Got It

    In retrospect, Shinichi would have to admit that going to a KID heist as he was about to go into heat could be seen as asking for trouble. On the other hand, that might just have been the point. There's more than one way to catch a thief. [KaiShin, Nature of Love series]

  • A Shocking Turn

    Hakuba is pleasantly surprised to run into one Kudo Shinichi in Ekoda when no sirens are sounding, but then he finds out why Shinichi is there. To say he is shocked would be an understatement. [KaiShin, Nature of Love series]

  • Call Me Crazy

    Everyone agrees that Kaito is a little crazy. So, since they're dating, Shinichi must be a little crazy too. Shinichi, however, would like to point out that they're not the only ones. All their lives are riddled with moments of insanity. [KaiShin, Little Steps series]

  • The Ups and Downs of Mating

    Shinichi often wishes that he'd been born a beta. Then his life might have been a lot less complicated. He's not sure why no one else agrees with him. [KaiShin, Nature of Love series]

  • Lure

    Having noticed KID's interest in one Kudo Shinichi, a frustrated Nakamori believes he's found the perfect way to lure the thief into a trap. Shinichi wishes someone had asked him for his opinion. As for KID, he'd like to thank his task force for being so thoughtful and saving him a lot of work. It's the unconventional beginning to an unconventional relationship. KaiShin

  • Different Suns

    No matter where or what they are, their lives are always entwined. KaiShin stories in fantasy settings. 41: A Demon's Jealousy P.8 - Shinichi is the new detective at the magical crimes division of the police, and Kaito is the demon he's made a contract with to help him on his cases. Their successes are drawing a lot of attention—perhaps too much.

  • The Long Way Round

    Since Shinichi's return, he has been the unwilling subject of Sonoko's matchmaking schemes. Now she's set him up on a blind date. [KaiShin, Nature of Love Series]

  • Different Moons

    In an infinite number of universes, they still always manage to find each other. A KaiShin supernatural/sci-fi collection. 5: Skyline -They were created to be weapons and tools without pasts or futures of their own. But it's time for that to change. Together, they're going to grasp their freedom.

  • Beaches and Bargains

    For most people, a party at a beach resort is something to look forward to. Kaito is not most people. And really, Shinichi wonders if his friends have any idea the lengths he has to go to in order to keep the peace. [KaiShin, Little Steps Universe]

  • When the Fox Comes Calling

    The problem with being young, single, famous, and a rare rabbit hybrid is that you attract a lot of attention. The problem with being all those things and a detective is that a lot of that attention comes from criminals. KaiShin

  • Guilty Secrets

    There were a million better ways their relationship could have started. But it didn't. Yet even though they both know they shouldn't be here, neither can bring himself to look back. KaiShin

  • In Other Shoes

    The weight of all his responsibilities and the expectations lavished upon him by everyone from the police to his closest friends has caught up to Shinichi. Just as he is beginning to feel like he's going to run screaming into the hills, his mother comes home and proposes a change of scenery—along with a change of profession and identity. KaiShin

  • Take It or Leave It

    Both heirs to wealthy family businesses, neither Kaito nor Shinichi were pleased to be told that their parents had arranged that they tie the knot. But it seems they have no choice but to play along with the marriage until some problems are solved. On the other hand, good things are sometimes found in strange places. KaiShin

  • Blood Red Roses

    One was the charismatic court magician, the other the young prince everyone ignored. It was a forbidden romance in a kingdom on the verge of war. Their story wasn't a fairytale, but they dreamed of a happy ending. KaiShin

  • Little Steps: Simple Joys

    Sometimes the most simple things can be the most important. KaiShin

  • Little Dancing Cat

    In a moment of insanity, Shinichi made a bet with Ai, and Kaito is more than happy to be the judge. KaiShin

  • Cotton Tail

    It's Halloween, and Shinichi has agreed to participate in Kaito's latest show. What he doesn't know is that Kaito has more than one kind of show in mind. And of course his favorite detective must play a starring role. KaiShin

  • The Love Potion Mystery

    Shinichi has been assigned to investigate a restaurant called The Love Potion that helps couples get together. It started when a woman came to the police with a strange story. KaiShin

  • Cleaning Up

    At least the color meant he wouldn't be run over in the dark because no one could possibly miss the neon yellow detective. But it was still a mess. Lucky for Shinichi, Kaito's always up for lending his dear detective a hand—or even two. KaiShin

  • Whisper

    One day, they think. Until then, they will wait, content with the whisper of each other's voices lingering in their ears. Two lonely souls with a wish for the future. KaiShin