Metronome I Hear

  • In Death We are Bound

    M67-11215 was proud despite the fact that he was an experiment. He nourished a hatred towards his captures and that hatred attracts the attention of the Master of Death. "W-who are y-you?" "You may call me Mukuro Rokudo." MoD!Harry

  • All the World's a Garden

    In which there has always been more to magic than wizards believe. (Open your eyes, can't you see?) Sometimes, this does nothing. (Sweet little toy soldiers, all lined up straight) Other times, this changes things. (A spark, a fire, a roaring flame) Accepting Prompts.

  • World of Darkness

    Harry Potter didn't know if he had great or horrible luck. All he does know is that the world would keep on moving no matter what he did. After all, it didn't stop when his friends threw him in Azkaban, or when London Burned in the Magic Vs. Muggle war, or even when he went back in time. Vampire!Strong!Dark!Harry Time Travel Slash and Het Pairings. M because I'm paranoid

  • Story Starters!

    I have a lot of ideas but not the patience to write them to completion. And so I will post those ideas here in the hopes that others may see them and write them for me.

  • Story Starters! Naruto Ver!

    I have a lot of Ideas but not a lot of patience. So I will post those ideas here in the hopes that someone will see them and write them out for me!

  • Lost in Fire

    Tsuna has spent the last 8 years bathed in blood and fighting for his life. That changes when the facility he lives at is destroyed and he escapes. Now found by friends of his old family, he finds he must ask himself a very important question. Who is he? OOC!Tsuna, Slightly-Insane!Tsuna, Not-Decimo!Tsuna, Slight-Multiflame!Tsuna