
land law is for losers

  • Sil Kotin Wuth

    The one in which the Dovahkiin goes back in time.

  • The General's Son

    Ezar is a teenaged boy from the Imperial City driven to conquer the world with offhanded quips and sharp remarks. Ezar is unlucky enough to be captured as he is entering Skyrim. Ezar is Dragonborn. Ezar is also General Tullius' son. Tough luck, Ezar.

  • Diamond in the Rough

    Like all men, the Dragonborn is struck speechless at the sight of Elisif the Fair.

  • The Bucket Murderer

    Throughout Skyrim, the killer struck, ending numerous lives and placing buckets over their bloodied heads in a sign of worship to the Daedra. Or, I've been watching too much of Sips playing Skyrim.

  • A Hogwarts Situation

    They really wanted to finish the castle; they really did. If only Salazar would stop picking fights with Godric. Stupid children. Crack.

  • The Rest is History

    Annoyed, Harry cast a quick Silencio over Ron, before turning back at Hermione and Tom and raising an eyebrow. Sequel to "So You Charmed Your Closet, Then?"

  • So You Charmed Your Closet, Then?

    Imagine Harry and Ron's surprise when they visit Hermione in her flat one day and find a half-naked Tom Riddle squished uncomfortably in her closet. Crack. Sequel up.

  • Rareori, adesea

    Când cumpăra cadoul pentru Ginny, Harry nu s-a aşteptat să îl întâlnească pe Draco. Au o conversaţie plăcută, ce mai târziu evoluează într-o competiţie ale celor mai bune dulciuri Încuiate, şi se termină cu un simplu - Sărbători fericite. Non-romance. AU?

  • Simplicity

    Irina Harrison was always in then the Gryffindor common room with a big, heavy-looking novel in her lap. So what did Sirius like about her? Her simplicity. Oneshot. R&R, please.