
  • Harry's Representation

    How would the courtroom scene in OotP work if someone unexpected had reached out to him beforehand? (Now with bonus crossover characters!)

  • A New Way

    What if Sally had a vision before the Halloween of '81 and decided to change what she could? What would happen?

  • Different Measures

    What if Brian had called in reinforcements? How would the story play out then?

  • A Captain's Thoughts

    This is set roughly six months after Avengers and ignores both Iron Man 3 (which I have seen) and Winter Soldier (which I haven't at this point). It's a stream of consciousness story based solely on Steve. Sorry for the bad title and bad summary.

  • Reid Has Had Enough

    Ok, so I finally watched "The Black Queen" the other day, and I have to ask, why didn't we get to see any of the team telling off the pushy seminar lady? I mean, seriously, there is no way they just stood there and let her talk about their friend that way.

  • The Follow-Up

    Constance's follow-up article has finally been printed. How will she deal with the new information she has? This is a missing scene between the final concert at the Bourbon and the final concert with Arsenal and Von Colt. (And yes, I realize that I got one last name wrong in this... since it's not mentioned in the movie, I'm not going to apologize.)

  • Cattleman's Gun: Version 2

    Set two years after the events of the movie, how is the town of Bisbee doing? Is Hollander still running things? Did Butterfield keep his promise? If you've heard the song, you know where this is going. BTW: Version 1 is on my AO3 account, & has all of the lyrics... I personally like that version better, but I can't post it here because of this site's rules about lyrics.

  • A Family's Intervention

    Penning was having a good day... until the most dangerous RED couple on Earth and their "body guards" decided to have a word with him about his office's treatment of the Toretto case, but why do they even care? It's not like anyone involved in the case is related to them, right? Also has mentions of the Bourne series and Criminal Minds, but no knowledge of them is necessary.

  • A Royal Meeting

    After Prince Christopher rescues Cinderella from her home but before the wedding, she has to meet his parents. After all, they were standing for her at the wedding. This is that scene.

  • What's Next?

    What happened with Viscount Mabrey after the events of the movie? Surely he didn't get away with everything he did. This takes place three weeks after the coronation scene.

  • Picking a Side

    It is time to pick a side. Which way will Draco follow? Voldemort and his father or Dumbledore and his Order? What does Luna Lovegood have to do with it? Vaguely mentions a Harmony couple but there are only two people in this story.

  • Angel With A Crossbow

    Daryl has a secret that no one, not even Merle knows. Will he reveal it when Beth gets kidnapped? Will he get her back? (Wingfic)

  • Hook's Confession

    This is a missing scene from "The Jolly Roger" episode. Any more of a summary would give it away.

  • Reinforcements

    John was bound to have old contacts from his military days. What if he called one of them for help after the fall?

  • A Different Ending

    This is my take on how the movie should have ended. It is based solely on the idea that there is no way the formula wasn't written down somewhere in that lab. I hope you like it.