
  • Stay With Me, Baby Girl

    Losing a daughter is something a father should never have to witness, especially one so young that still had her whole life ahead of her. But sadly for Joel losing his young daughter Sarah was something he was inevitably faced with witnessing one fateful night and that no matter how much he begged his baby girl to be strong and stay with him it just wasn't meant to be.

  • I'll Catch You Whenever You Fall

    Ever since Clementine had first met Luke back in the woods she'd known instantly that he was someone she could easily trust. There was just something about Luke that was so genuine. He was the first one to be nice to her and the only one willing to help her when she'd really needed someone to help her. Could Luke now become the big brother she'd never had but always wanted?

  • How Could I Want More?

    5 years after S.H.I.E.L.D. had rose from it's destruction at the hands of HYDRA saw Director Coulson and his team seek out the member that had sadly been missing throughout after she'd gone on the run with the man she would always love. Now after 5 years spent apart they're finally a family again...only this time they've the extra additions of two toddlers and a baby.

  • Together We Can Make The Earth Quake (ON HIATUS)

    After losing control of her powers, causing devastation and destruction in the process, Skye had been forced to flee The Playground when everyone at S.H.I.E.L.D. had turned against her. Out of options she'd had no choice but to turn to none other than Grant Ward and team up with him and Kara Palamas. Now with Leo Fitz joining them all the 4 of them have is each other.

  • A Different Fate

    John Garrett had told Grant Ward not to trust anybody. Ever. And especially not him. But Grant had foolishly trusted him and it had turned out to be a really big mistake as he'd been abandoned in the middle of the woods with only a dog named Buddy. But then one rainy night he met the most prettiest girl he'd ever seen who changed both of their fates forever. (Teen!SkyeWard)

  • I'll Take Care Of You

    When Skye gets sick after a mission Grant is the first one to notice. He soon makes it his own personal mission to comfort her because she's his rookie and he's her S.O. and because no matter what he'll always take care of her.

  • Friends Forever

    After many crossed wires of Grant and Jemma thinking Skye and Leo were secretly dating they finally managed to set things straight. Grant finally ended up with Skye and Jemma with Leo. The 4 best friends are now as happy as can be and no matter what happens they'll truly always be...friends forever.

  • Welcome To Hell

    Escape was impossible. It was pointless. Futile even. Because there was no escape. All they could now do was pray their team would save them somehow or they'd be trapped for all eternity. "What's the worst that could happen?" Six words Skye now wished she'd never said. Because those six words were responsible for her and Ward being trapped together in Hell...LITERALLY.

  • These Lips Are Sealed

    "You know where to find me, Mr. Wolf..." said Nerissa, as she flashed him a small seductive wink over her shoulder. - Sometimes light interrogations and a small comforting pat on the shoulder can lead to a little more than you bargained for, as Bigby Wolf and Nerissa soon found out.

  • Hope & Faith

    Being a mother was a dream that Skye had always wanted for herself while being able to be the loving and caring mother to her own child that she had never had growing up. But unfortunately for Skye she'd learned the hard way that you don't always get what you dream about at night because now she was left holding not one, but two babies, and their father was nowhere to be found.

  • We Could've Had It All

    Lee barely had time to recover from the shock of losing Carley before he'd been forced to leave her dead body behind and get back in the RV with Clementine and the others, deciding to leave Lilly behind for what she'd done to Carley. Now Lee found himself left alone with only his thoughts to consume him as they slowly ate away at his very soul over what could've been.

  • Wild Heart

    "Tonight we'll dance. I'll be yours and you'll be mine. We won't look back. Take my hand and we will shine. Oh, oh, oh! She needs a wild heart, she needs a wild heart, I got a wild heart!" - It was a regular Friday night when 22 year old Phillip Coulson met 18 year old Melinda May for the very first time. And he was determined to capture and tame her wild heart.

  • Let It Go

    When Skye and Jemma are left alone on The Bus for a few hours there's only one thing the two friends can do to entertain themselves - dress up in all things sparkly and glittery as they pretend to be Princesses protecting their Magical Kingdom from danger. So that's just what they did!

  • That's A Really Huge Flowerpot

    Sitting by the poolside of the motel they were all staying at what could 5 friends such as Jemma, Leo, Tripp, Skye and Grant find to talk about? The really huge flowerpots behind them that's what! Because after all why exactly were the flowerpots at that motel so freaking huge? (Part 3 of my Hug Me Brother! verse)

  • We Can Be All Poetic And Just Lose Our Minds Together

    "There are a million ways we should've died before today. And a million ways we can die before tomorrow. But we fight for every second that we get to spend with each other. Whether it's two minutes, or two days, we don't give that up. I don't want to give that up. My vote? Let's just wait it out. Y'know we can be all poetic and just lose our minds together."

  • I Love You, Clem

    "I love you, Clem" said Lee, a few tears of his own now slowly falling down his cheeks. "You make sure you remember that now, okay?" - Nobody ever said saying goodbye was easy and for Lee and Clementine they were about to see just how hard it could be.

  • Under The Influence

    Indulging in a harmless game of Truth or Dare while under the influence of alcohol definitely proved to be interesting for Agent Triplett and Agent May one night on The Bus, because the more they both drank the more daring they both became. If anything it certainly helped them to bond and become a little closer...that or it proved Whiskey should probably be banned on The Bus.

  • The Flour Fight Brothers

    As the madness and chaos surrounds them due to S.H.I.E.L.D. falling and HYDRA coming out of the shadows Grant and Leo decided they needed to do something to cheer up the rest of their teammates. So that's just what they attempted to do while being the ever adorable brothers they'd become in the process with a little harmless flour fight. (Part 2 of my Hug Me Brother! verse)

  • Hug Me Brother!

    Grant definitely wasn't the type to randomly reach out and hug you. Neither was Leo really. But on 6 occasions during times of stress and chaos Grant and Leo found themselves doing what neither of them ever thought they'd do - they hugged each other. Even the whole team witnessed once. They'd become just like brothers and they liked to hug! (Part 1 of my Hug Me Brother! verse)

  • Out Of The Shadows, Into The Light

    "The secret is out. For decades your organization stayed in the shadows, hiding the truth. But now we know they're among us. Out of the shadows, into the light...HAIL HYDRA!" Agent Coulson and his team are about to find out that you really can't trust ANYONE. (Dark!SkyeWard)