
  • Careful What You Kill

    Elizabeth Winchester is on a hunt. She thought it was just a few vampires and she'd be back with her brothers in no time. But it turns out that the vampires have something very different in store for the Winchester family. Rated T for swearing and all that good Supernatural stuff! (Missing Pieces Story Two)

  • Time and Time Again

    Elizabeth, Sam, and Dean were just settling into a motel room. That's when everything started to go wrong. The Winchesters were just passing through, but now they are forced to find out who or what is causing them to relive their most painful memories. And their agonizing futures. (Missing Pieces Story 6; Set in Season 5, after 5x08 Changing Channels) (Rated T for language)

  • Heaven's Devil

    Sam and Dean had been searching everywhere to find out how to bring their little sister back from the dead. But when Cas brings her back, will they be faced with something new, something never seen before? But problems only get worse for the Winchesters when hunters are on their tail...(Missing Pieces Story 5; Set in Season 4) (Rated T for language and stuff)

  • Means To An End

    The Winchester siblings have gone through enough loss for a lifetime. Sam died and Dean sold his soul to bring him back. The three are headed down to California for a case, with six months left on the deal. Elizabeth has been plagued with dreams about a strange man that has plans for her. Will they find out who he is? Or will she be leaving her brothers behind because of his plan?

  • Save a Brother

    (SUPERWHOLOCK FAN FICTION) One of the Winchester brothers has gone missing. No one knows which one, where the other one is, and who took him. All they know is one Winchester is in danger. Will the Doctor, Castiel, Amy, Rory, Sherlock, and John be able to find the Winchester in hiding and save the one that is captured? Or will the heroes be too late? COMPLETE, POSSIBLE SEQUEL LATER

  • Heroes Have To Start Somewhere

    This is a collection of one-shots about Sam and Dean as kids and adults! I am open to prompts. I actually want them! Fluff, cuteness, and brotherly love await inside! (No slash)

  • I Fought the Law

    With Elizabeth just released from the hospital, the Winchester siblings thought they were going to get to go on a normal case. But since when has anything worked out for a Winchester? Sam, Dean, and Eli end up in a bad spot. When the law is after the hunters, how will they escape the FBI's grasp. (Missing Pieces Story 3) Rated T for swear words and being Supernatural-y!

  • Two Brothers, One Crew, and the Sky

    AU: Sam and Dean are two homeless kids from the planet Persephone. They had finally "made" enough money to get off the planet and go someplace new. With adventure in mind, they stumble upon the ship Serenity. They planned to get off on a new planet, but like they say "There's no place I can be, since I found Serenity." Now, if the crew'll have them, they plan to keep flying.

  • Hope You've Guessed My Name

    When the three Winchester siblings come to a town where people are all mysteriously dying of the same disease, they know something powerful is at work. But what will they do when they are faced with an enemy that has been expecting them since the beginning of time comes for a visit. Will the brothers learn their little sister's darkest secret? (Missing Pieces Story 7; In season 5)

  • The Children of Hunters

    This is the story of the three Winchester siblings: Sam, Dean, and Elizabeth. This is their story as they go through their lives. FLUFF. LOTS OF FLUFF. Dean is 19, Sam is 15, and Eli is 14. (Based off my Missing Pieces series)

  • A Winchester Family Christmas

    Just a fluffy little Christmas story. Sam, Dean, and Cas have a Christmas celebration in the Bunker. Takes place in Season 10, after Dean has been cured, but before he goes downhill. Fluffy fluff fluff fluff! No slash.

  • Jail is a Learning Experience

    Sam and Dean Winchester thought they knew everything about their family. Turns out they were wrong. They have a younger sister named Elizabeth (Eli for short) and she is a hunter. She is a part of the family business and both brothers never knew it! (Rated T for language because, let's be honest, if Dean didn't swear, what kind of story would this be?)