
  • A Leaf Among The Stars v2

    Naruto/Mass Effect x-over. Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze the sole survivor of a failed colony embarks on a new quest that spans an eon in the making. Adventure, romance, comedy...all to save the galaxy and find the perfect bowl of ramen. What's a ninja to do when faced with Asari, Turians, Quarians and certain Commander after him? is the galaxy ready?

  • Jedi Master Naruto in Exile Teaser

    Two years after the Episode III Jedi Master Naruto and his family struggle in the shadows fanning the spark of rebellion and Naruto must take on a padawan and finish his training. Might be named Renegades Rebels and Rogues when actual story time comes just a teaser to wet the pallet until I get more of clone wars done.

  • Double The Pleasure Double the Blond

    Blond-verse continues as the Uzumaki's deal with the fall out of changes being made to the timeline. Can they keep each other and their friend safe or will they lose it all. first 24 chapters combined and slightly cleaned up. Ino/Naru sappiness.

  • Blonds Have More Fun

    Ino travels back in time to be with her husband and to right some wrongs. Repost of story. Ino/Naruto pairing.