

  • Dead End

    #CastleHalloweenBash entry. "On a never ending road in the middle of the woods, the nightmare begins. A mysterious woman in white wanders through the forest, leaving death in her wake. A terrifying black car - its driver seemingly invisible - carries it's victims into the heart of the night. Every road sign points to a destination they never reach..."

  • The Wound Is The Place Where The Light Enters You

    Tumblr fill prompt. I have decided to make this multichapter. Little ficlets of Kate and/or Castle getting hurt and the other one being there for them. (Some cuteness, some angst, some silliness.)

  • Making A Home

    "Castle, I didn't come in here to seduce you. Your over active imagination is showing again." "Wishful thinking," He corrects. She rolls her eyes at him. "Although," She starts, her voice dropping a little lower, that sexy rasp that she does so very well. "I guess we could celebrate this..."

  • You Picked A Fight, But You Got A War

    It barely registers-Martha's shrill yell for Kate. She doesn't even have time to turn around and look. She feels the all too familiar burn seer through her stomach before she falls forward onto the pavement. She looks down and see's red blossom up through the white of her dress. She presses her hand to the wound, trying to breathe but finding it too difficult..." 07x01.

  • Inevitable

    This wall that she's built around her heart isn't to keep love out - it's to keep death away. Because everything you love dies. Kate knows that first hand...

  • Here and Now

    Just a random story about the extending Castle/Beckett family. (Cover art by itisthedrawer.tumblr)

  • Can We Keep Him?

    During a bad rainstorm, Castle shows up to the precinct with a rescued kitten that he insists is the cat version of Beckett herself. (Tumblr prompt)

  • A New Day To Come

    And when the morning comes, she'll still be attached to him, neither of them moving through out the night, but with the soft morning sun sweeping over their room, warming the darkness with shards of light, Kate will entangle herself from him and put this all behind her. / Short continuation of the end scene of The Belly of the Beast.