
  • How Will I Know

    A/U. Gabby Dawson and Matt Casey meet under different circumstances. With raising two boys on her own, the last thing Gabby needs is to fall into a serious relationship. Will Lieutenant Matt Casey convince her that it's ok to let your guard down for the right person?

  • Silence in the Dark

    AU from season two episode "A Dark Day." Gabby ends up with more than just a few scratches-physically and emotionally. Turning this story into a mult-chapter. Will Gabby be able to overcome her injuries? Casey/Dawson Lots of Antonio/Gabby sibling interaction.

  • Hanging By A Moment

    My take on how Gabby was rescued from the elevator and what happened afterwards. One-shot.

  • Lost Then Found

    "All souls weigh the same. One life isn't worth any more than the other." If only Gabby would listen to those words. Everything becomes too much for Gabby and she breaks. Takes place during 3x12. Warning: suicide is mentioned.

  • A Change of Plans

    Just a little Dawsey drabble that wouldn't leave my mind until it was written. Takes place during 3x06. A surprise is thrown Gabby's way that might disrupt her plans to become a firefighter. Sometimes plans change. Officially complete.

  • Next Time, It's Your Turn

    Unexpected talk during a long stakeout. First fic for this fandom. Enjoy. Erin/Jay