
  • A Limerick a Day Keeps the Doctor Away?

    All Limericks found herein will be about about any Doctor, Companion, Villain or Story found in the entire Doctor Who Universe. Enjoy!

  • That Night at Howenstow

    An simple invite to Howenstow for Barbara Havers becomes fraught with complications.

  • A Fool's Paradise

    (FINAL CHAPTER POSTED!) The Doctor and Clara finally cross that invisible line and unexpected consequences follow. Can Jack fix what the Doctor has so foolishly destroyed? Now that the Doctor and Clara have reunited, what will become of their 'fools paradise?

  • Malcolm Tucker: The Limerick

    Just a quick limerick for your enjoyment. Or rather, it was a limerick but it may have gotten fucked up!

  • The Death of Her

    He was killing her. Clara had made her choice, but she never realized the consequence.

  • Friends With Benefits

    It happened. And it unrepentantly turned into a mutual arrangement that provided a balance to their unique partnership. But what seemed like a good idea a the time, eventually threatened to push them apart forever.