
  • Young and Bullet Proof

    -Post BoO & YJs2- Dick had been gone for six months before being called back to the YJ. He wasn't sure what to expect upon his return, but eight demi-gods from another universe? Well. It hadn't been that. But then again, it was Tuesday night. -Percy had just wanted to spend an evening with his friends without a crisis happening. When has his luck ever been that good? (full casts)

  • The Things You Learn From Supernatural, S1

    Title is pretty explanatory- just a short list on the things you learn from Supernatural, season 1. Made for fun! -oneshot-

  • Eyes Already Closed

    "Nat…Natasha, something's happened. You…" Steve's voice was thick as he choked on his words. "You should come right now." -Clintasha, whole team makes an appearance. Rated T to be safe.