
  • Words of desire

    This comes from a thing that I posted on tumblr: Anyone that wants it can send me a word which will be the center of a smut drabble or one-shot. There is not really a summary since is merely a collection of all the drabbles.

  • Constellations

    [There are 88 constellations in our sky, 12 of them are easily known because they are the zodiacal constellations, but all of them have their own story, their own myth. And each myth has a story behind. First constellation: Andrómeda.] When Regina is designed to be the meal of Cetus she thinks that everything is lost, her life, her future and the possibility of another type of fate

  • Trozos de cristal

    Este fic participa en el reto "La otra cara de la moneda" del foro "Bienvenidos a Storybrooke" Su madre la educó en la fuerza nacida del dolor pero fue ese mismo dolor el que la enloqueció y quizás no merezca una redención pero Regina aspira a un nuevo dos tienen una nueva oportunidad, piensa mientras ve desvancerse el monstruo de hielo, ¿por qué no ella?

  • PS: You are worthy

    When Regina returns to her home she finds a note in front of her door, at first she doesn't want to read it but at the end her curiosity wins her over...

  • You have made that a possibility

    And maybe we didn't create the most cliché love story but we fought for what we wanted. A prompt asked by secretstranger69; songfic with the song " Say yes" by Floetry. EDIT: I have been asked to remove the lyrics due to the guidelines. Sorry for that.

  • Interview with The (Evil) Queen

    "All of you know my story, the story of how I became the Evil Queen and how I became a mother but there are dark places that aren't in the book, that never were. And I wonder, sometimes, if it will change something if I told you how I became a Queen after becoming a widow without being married in the first place."

  • Over my frozen heart

    Regina could felt how Emma was slowly freezing to death, she could feel in her own veins how the blonde was starting to shiver, to move closer to the nothingness, and maybe she was a coward, a villain, but she would fight for Emma, for keeping her alive. Even if she wouldn't acknowledge why.

  • Texts on the cloud

    Sequel of "PS:You are worthy" Now that Emma and Regina are trying to go to the next level with their relationship they are going to face some hidden trues that they didn't know that were still with them. So Emma sends a sentence to Regina and so, it begins...

  • The Holiday

    Glinda, Regina, Emma and Zelena, four woman that doesn't believe in luck, in love or in real relationships. But when Santa Ana is changing all bets are off (Based in the film The Holiday)

  • Fragments

    Moments of a life, ten glimpses of the story of Emma and Regina, since their begining to a new one.

  • My heart is where it is supposed to be

    After the last episode events Regina is still trying to come up with the idea that even all of her knowledge she seems to not be enough when a certain blonde knocks at her door and tries to talk to her. In the night, without their usual barriers, everything is simpler than at daylight so Regina consents the blonde...

  • Absoluto

    Hay palabras que son odiadas y palabras que son temidas. Hay palabras que no podemos comprender que son. Para el reto del foro "El amor no tiene alas" Characters death

  • Fragmentos de una historia

    Cinco fragmentos de una vida, cinco momentos en los que Regina mira a Emma y ve apoyo. Cinco momentos en los que Emma observa a Regina y ve su futuro. M. R&R!

  • Open the door

    You have been searching her, wanting to say that you understand what she is felling, wanting to assure her that she is not alone. And when she finally looks at you you realizes that you have already said those things as well as she said that so long ago that it is ridiculous how much you both have been saying the same thing way before everything collapsed.

  • Coffee Black News

    When Regina, a competent anchor woman in the morning section of GoldTV, finds herself paired up with the newbie Emma Swan she thinks that the blonde is nothing more than another pretty face. But when that is proven incorrect Regina and Emma start developing a friendship that, unknown to them, will change a few things along the way… AU,Not Magic, Ratings will change

  • Querida Ginny

    Tan solo quiero escribirte,quizás la palabra escrita no signfique nada, quizás mis letras se las lleve el ro mereces leer esto,mereces saberlo. HermxGin Algo AU Incompleto de momento,dependiendo de vuestras opiniones ;)

  • Recuerda, reconoce, sueña

    "Me caso con y bien Hermione...y ahora qué?. Si tu mejor amiga se casa con tu mejor amigo la solución es simple no? Para Hermione la respuesta no tan sencilla ni tan indolora...post 7 libro pero sin tener en cuenta el epílogo.T x si acaso

  • Dancing Ring

    Prompt from lesbionicwoman. As a soon to be discovered boxer Emma doesn't have time to lose, she needs to be at her top game as quick as possible. But everything comes with a price and when her beautiful instructor comes in the blonde is going to find that there are other interesting things to do in life.

  • Turn back time

    Based on the beautiful manips of lisqueen on tumblr. The Evil Queen is the one who travels in time at the end of the third season and, however the threat she represents she also finds that in this future nothing is like she had dream of. Like the little fact that her future self and Snow White's daughter seem to have something going on...

  • Inked future

    When Regina vowed to change her past in order to change her own ending she didn't think that everything that had already happen it will happen once and again. But maybe with a push in a different direction the story can be rewritten… albeit if she wants that she will need to realize some things. Mention of OQ and CS but if you like those ships this fic isn't for you, eventual SQ.