
  • Daughters of the Ninja

    Can't fit the entire summary in so there will be none.

  • Black and White

    After a heist Kuroba Kaito also know as the famous Kaito Kid found a girl long brown hair in the river. After she found her and took her back home crazier stuff began to happen! Who was this girl? Why was she in the river? What crazy stuff happened? Find out here!

  • The Legend of Zelda: Past, Present, and Future

    A girl named Linka once had a normal life. A life with a family and friends. But one day a man, a very evil man took that away from her. Now she must go alone to save the past, the present, and the future form there ultimate declines.

  • What If A Magical Girl Was An Avenger

    Cant really think of summary right know so u have to do without one. Also I will be doing my top 10 favorite episode of Avengers Assembled in till I get into the main plot of this story.

  • The Other Black

    When a letter arrived for Neal things started to change. He started avoiding her making sure there cases where never together. She was confused by this ever since they first met they told each other everything and always promised not to tell. So this was a change. Find out why Neal is avoiding her in this story.

  • Sword Art Online: An Another Story

    Sword Art Online is back up and running. But Sesista Mikari (aka Maya Colibern) doesn't think all the kinks are out of the game yet, and she was right. Trapped with Max Mcgeen, are raced against the clock to do what Kirito and Asuna did why back when.

  • Sickness

    Grey wants to fight Natsu, but when Happy came in and sad Natsu was sick. He deiced to go check up on the Dragonslayer. What will happen? I suck at summaries so just read the story and if you like it then review and add it to you're favorites. Also yaoi sex is in here, so if you don't like don't click.

  • The Children Of The Lost Fairies

    After the dragons came the world was in shambles. Not a soul survivor lived on the world once called Fiore. But little did the world know that a very famous guild decided to hide there children away for the devastated world. Those children where called The Children of The Lost Fairies.

  • Cat and Mouse

    All through out time there as been a cat and mouse. Always fighting against each other. But one day a young cat and mouse decided to put an end to this war. What will happen? (Chapter getting redone)

  • Earth: The Creator Of All

    On a regular conference meeting Canada spotted a person in a brown coat fall down. He rescued' said person and he and the other nations find out that it was a girl. What will happen and what hilarious stuff will happen?

  • Date

    Kai had a crush on Cole since the day he met him. He finally got the courage to go up to him and ask him out on a date. What will happen? Will Cole reject him? Or will something else stand in the way? Find out here!

  • Daughter of an Agent

    After the events of Till Death Do Us Apart, the team found out there fellow team member, Sara was in a coma. The team went and gathered her stuff and what the find is unexpected. A girl. Who was this girl and why was she in Sara's house? Find out here! (In the process of rewriting.)

  • Truth or Dare

    At an event of Truth and Dare Jimmy Kudo (who now has his full body back) was dared to kiss his rival/friend Hejij Hattori. The first thing he chose though was truth. Rachel who was there asked him about his life while he was away. What will happen? Will he expect the dare? Or the truth? Find out here! (In the process of rewriting)