
  • Our Transgressions

    Due to cultural misunderstandings, Ben and Rook are now engaged to one another for life and with a life full of villains looking to gain leverage on Ben, the two must keep their union a secret lest Rook be put in danger. Will they succeed and live happily ever after OR will they fail and lead miserable lives? Ben x Rook.

  • Days Gone By

    Sick of Jack's constant mistakes, Wuya decides to train the teen, albeit difficult, the witch succeeds and Jack becomes an unstoppable force. Defeating the Xiaolin Warriors, he steals the Wu and FINALLY takes over the world. Months into his reign he becomes lonely and takes Raimundo as his Queen giving the monks ONE chance at defeating him, this ends up giving Rai mixed feelings.

  • If Destiny's Kind

    What if Shane HAD shot Rick when they faced off? Shooting his best friend down in cold blood, Shane now has everything he's wanted but with Rick's death the group seems to have little chance for survival. With Carl pulling away, Daryl causing trouble, Maggie mourning for her family, Glenn fretting over her being, AND a pregnant Lori, was it REALLY worth it? Is Rick REALLY dead?