Kisses Bitches

  • Kisses, My Bitches

    I'm Lucy and I'm fabulous. But here's the story of how I died. Or didn't die. Not that that matters. kisses bitches - L / The year everything went wrong. x beta'd by The Bitch Who Died x .3rd genre angst. o heavily inspired by PLL o [evcy/goldunn] [evan/lucy] R&R HIATUS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

  • Shooting Stars

    It's a rush of crashing hips and breathy gasps because who the fuck can remember that the brightest stars burn out? one-shot. drabble. x collab w/ The Bitch Who Died x [evcy/goldunn] [evan/lucy] R&R

  • The Laws of Attraction

    They like to think whatever it is, it's purely psychical. But they know it's more than hormones. one-shot. [evcy/goldunn] [evan/lucy] R&R

  • From New York to the Lamest Place in the World

    How do I even begin to explain Lucy Dunn? She's popular, she's pretty, she's head cheerleader, she's an AP student, she's the star of chorus, she's the drama club's favorite possession, she lives in New York. Except, she just moved to Indiana. And she has to get everything back in 4 months, everything and Evan Goldman. x collab w/ The Bitch Who Died x [evcy/goldunn] AU R&R

  • Skinny

    For the sake of boys like Brett Sampson, she has to be skinny and anything less isn't good enough. But when she looks at Evan Goldman, what matters is her brain. How she wishes she could want boys like Evan Goldman. (a closer look on Lucy's eating disorder) oneshot [evcy/goldunn] R&R