

  • Need

    She needs to hear him say it. One-shot.

  • Demons

    He had fought them for so long - it was finally time to let them out. One-shot. Implied violence and DMHG. Inspired by a quote by Stephen King.

  • The Hardest Thing To Say

    Dougal McGregor proposed to Minerva McGonagall on a ploughed field on McGregor farm in 1954. Oneshot. 700 words drabble on Minerva McGonagall's thoughts and feelings about the proposal.

  • Chocolate Frog Card

    Scorpius Malfoy finds a Chocolate Frog Card of Hermione Granger. Oneshot. DMHG. A 300 words drabble. Disclaimer: I do not own anything - J. K. Rowling does.

  • Ragnarök

    The first and last thing the God of Mischief saw was red. My take on the Ragnarök. Oneshot.

  • Just a Cigarette

    Spike sits down to smoke a cigarette. Faye watches. Who knew that a death stick could be so, so appealing. One-shot. Rated M for indecent ... thoughts.

  • All Good Things

    ... come in three. Lydia forgets herself, and the result is not so pretty. Oneshot. Had to get this one out.

  • Rouge, Noir et Blanc

    Bellatrix Lestrange. Andromeda Tonks. Narcissa Malfoy. There were three of them, as unyielding as gold, diamond and platinum. They were night and day and dawn, unmatched by any other in the span of their lives. This is the story of the Black sisters. Rated M for violence, sexual content and strong language.

  • Lilac Tree

    Random words challenge. A trip down memory lane for Lord Malfoy caused by his son's unexpected proclamation revives old flame. Lemon. M rated. DMHG/SMRW

  • The Dragon and The Bear

    A prophecy had been spoken for the first time thousands of years ago, about a Dragon and a Bear, and immense power that they shall hold. In the times of war, professor Albus Dumbledore makes two enemies work together, only to discover frightening secrets and unlock the power within, and change the way they look at things. DMHG

  • Basil

    Sherlock is not pleased with pagan rituals continued up until today. Drabble. Oneshot. Set somewhere around Christmas.

  • My First Kiss Went A Little Like This

    Why is Scorpius Malfoy so angry? Why are the Grey Lady and the Bloody Baron in the library? And who do they think it is snogging there? SM&RW;, heavily implied DM&HG.; A 1000-and-then-some words one-shot about Malfoy heir's first kiss. Rated T just to be sure.

  • Ignorance

    Some say ignorance is bliss, and in that moment, Dean would have agreed wholeheartedly. One-shot. A 200 words drabble on Dean's thoughts in S6E20, 'The Man Who Would Be King'. DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything! Rated M for the SOB quote by Dean Winchester.

  • See You Later, Alligator!

    Dean loves to annoy Cas. Cas loves... well, we all know who is it that Cas loves. Destiel. One-shot. 800 words drabble on catchphrases and upset Angels of the Lord.

  • King of Hearts

    "To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves." - Federico García Lorca. Bella knows this, and yet she lets Edward get away with stealing her heart. A story about poker, kind boys, all sorts of heartbreak and ferries. AH/AU. One-shot. Rated M for indecent wishes and language. WARNING - not a HEA.

  • Suus Duos Angelus

    Dean is confused; he wants her, but he needs him. Oneshot. Written after watching s04e10 - 'Heaven and Hell'. Just a drabble of Dean's thoughts.

  • Fire and Ice

    "Some say the world will end in fire; some say in ice." - Robert Frost. People say foolish things, yet only Rhaegar Targaryen knew the true nature of his Lady Lyanna. Oneshot, long time in the making. Some spoilers inside, for those who haven't read the books.

  • It's All Just a Joke

    "In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present." - Sir Francis Bacon. A story about the night Edward Blake became the Comedian. Oneshot. Rated M because of implied violence.