
  • Never, Neverland

    Pirates, Lost boys, a fairy? When things go very wrong on their trip to England, Rosemary Banning will need to escape the clutches of the infamous Captain Hook and help her dad to trigger his inner Pan. But even with the struggle to save her siblings, will there still be time for love to bloom? Rufio x OC

  • Frankie- A New Begining

    The Ross family is the wealthiest family in the world, that would make you assume that they were snobby pure bloods ,right? Not so much. Join Frankie Ross on her journey as she befriends the Golden Trio and even catches the eye of Draco Malfoy along the way. I don't own Harry Potter, but I would love it if I did!

  • The Scout

    Leilani Haven, or The Scout. Was recruited for Commander Shepard's suicide mission through the Omega 4 relay to stop the Collectors. Her hacking and battle skills help to build the team they need to survive. A Oc/MShep alternate romance for Mass Effect 2.

  • Fateful Complications

    Toshiko Mori never looked forward to anything more than the many bases of Orochimaru, but when a couple of Jonin take her to Konoha, will she find the loyal friends she had always desired, or turn everyone against her because of her past? Slight Sasuke/Oc

  • Interrupted Vengence

    20 years ago, Romeo was attacked and murdered. He now seeks revenge as he roams the world as a spirit, invisible to the human eye. But, when he comes close to his goal. Everything he strives for is taken away.